Big Brother 14

Tonight was fascinating. Much as I hate him, if he survives, Dan deserves to win.

I still can't believe how that actually worked. Go Dan. I'd be happier if it didn't end up with Britney on the block. Love her. She could've totally taken it.

Ugh, Jenn.
I still can't believe how that actually worked. Go Dan. I'd be happier if it didn't end up with Britney on the block. Love her. She could've totally taken it.

Ugh, Jenn.

the thing that I hate most about Jenn is how she things she is a real player in the house. Uh no, you freakedtheeff out in the DR when you were on the block, and now you were used by Frank to get another coach outta the house.

Even if Dan would have left this week it would have only been a matter of time for Brittany to leave because she was the last coach.

And eff Shane! How does he not realize that Danielle has more allegiance to Dan than him?? he had the votes to keep Brittany.
I have been a big fan of BB in the past , even BBAD since they first began it. This season I have not had the time to keep up with it but while waiting for the Grand Oil Party to spew venomous lies I decided to watch it last night.
I love BRIT and was pissed to see her go, I liked Dan the season he was on, he was one of my faves... can't stand the bitch this season from what I have observed.
I was shocked that nelly clone queen Shane voted to eliminate BRIT, I guess keeping his hetero stalker around feeds his wannabe hetero illusion.

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I have been a big fan of BB in the past , even BBAD since they first began it. This season I have not had the time to keep up with it but while waiting for the Grand Oil Party to spew venomous lies I decided to watch it last night.
I love BRIT and was pissed to see her go, I liked Dan the season he was on, he was one of my faves... can't stand the bitch this season from what I have observed.
I was shocked that nelly clone queen Shane voted to eliminate BRIT, I guess keeping his hetero stalker around feeds his wannabe hetero illusion.


That's a bit harsh considering Shane's the only dood worth watching IMO. Even if he hadn't voted to evict Brit, the vote would have been 2-3 and it would have been bye bye Birdie, I mean Britney.

Kinda with you about Dan--I liked him much better the season he won BB--but his "Dan's Funeral" bit will go down in BB history as one of the very best strategic plays ever made in the game and, after all, it is just a game. Believe me, Dan is still a VERY long way from finishing in the final two.
I loved Brit the first time she was on and i was happy to see she was on again. It just sucks that she got booted out again, the first time was very cruel but i dont think that she should have gone. What about joe, the last few weeks it seems like he is just sitting back and not doing anything, and also i think he should have been on the block against danielle. But its a game and they have to do what they have to do.
the thing that I hate most about Jenn is how she things she is a real player in the house. Uh no, you freakedtheeff out in the DR when you were on the block, and now you were used by Frank to get another coach outta the house.

Even if Dan would have left this week it would have only been a matter of time for Brittany to leave because she was the last coach.

And eff Shane! How does he not realize that Danielle has more allegiance to Dan than him?? he had the votes to keep Brittany.

I honestly still believe that Britney could've gone a little further. She was NEVER on anyone's radar. Good social game. Wasn't this the only time she was nominated? She was mostly terrible at comps though.

With Shane, if he chose Britney, like he said, Joe was going to vote along with him so she would've had a chance, but he ultimately decided against that (he said in his goodbye message) that she already had a chance at the money in a previous season, which is pretty true. and Shane doesn't realize that if he works hard enough, he can easily get Danielle to go against Dan if needed.

Jenn! i don't know how she got into thinking she was so smart and special when not only was she a complete and total pawn when they put her up against Boogie, but she made such an epically ridiculous move by trusting DAN of all people.

Frank put himself through all of that punishment to get Dan out and yet, one move and he completely flipped.

I hope Joe and Jenn get knocked out in that double eviction because they are completely worthless and none of them deserve to make it this far in the game. Shane, Frank, Ian and Dan are my choices for the final four. That fight would be amazing.

and while i did love seeing Britney and Dan again, i hope to not see any previous houseguests in the Big Brother house for a very long time.
Lane's tattoo is on the left side of his body and the nude guy has his tat on the right side. It doesn't matter if the photo is taken using a mirror, the tat can't change shoulders

Don't know about the reverse-image issue, but I don't think it can be Lane based on his tattoo as seen on last night's episode. The real Lane has those tribal swirls all the way down to his elbow (unlike this nude guy).

So unless he got a lot added to his tat in the recent past ...
I would really like Frank to get the boot then Dan. Frank is a BULLY when it came down to Ian..I could just about bet he would have smacked Ian down if he was aloud to.Jen did make a big to do about nothing as a pawn..Didnt Dan already win his season ? I like Shane, yes because he's nice to look at but he also is level headed.I would like to see the final two to be Ian and Shane.On another note. I wonder why they havent had Drew back ? He was very popular when he won his season.Does anyone remember the twin sisters names that kept trading places on another season ? That was fun to watch. When that was exposed by CBS because I dont think anyone said anything..When they did reveal them some said they saw a mole on one and didnt see it later but still really did not put it together..I also thought it was funny when Doctor Will won the season and him and Boogie would be messing around and backed off of each other and saying something homophobic in a funny way, then they brought Neil Patrick Harris on as a surprise for Will because he was a big fan of his.This being the last day of Augest and they have a double eviction coming up, I wonder who will go..Any ideas ? The show I think wraps up on Thursday September 20th..
Lightkeeper, I think a Gay Big Brother would be awesome. Invite Steven Daigle back. Select a roster of interesting men. Have lots of challenges without shirts. I think I want to sign up!
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Lightkeeper, I think a Gay Big Brother would be awesome. Invite Steven Daigle back. Select a roster of interesting men. Have lots of challenges without shirts. I think I want to sign up!
If you're in a gay Big Brother then I'd definitely get the live feeds and watch Big Brother After Dark:biggrin1:
shane was hula hooping in pajamas and had to stop cause his junk was swinging around so much