Big Brother 22 All Stars

Likelyhood we’ll get something from Cody? All I remember who his season is when he was taking a shower and pressed his dick against the glass and we kinda saw it lol
Cody was pretty good at showing off. Never gave us full frontal though. Hopefully that changes this season. I’m just glad it’s him and not his less attractive brother Paulie.

Nice to see Kevin BB11 there are our token gay. He’s not as much of a stereotype as most gays they’ve had on the show.
Well his season was just last year lol so not much different

gurl, I know people that look completely different today from how they did @ the beginning of this pandemic. Anyway I just peeped his IG, and he's still hot! I hope he's more chill this time around and doesn't take things too too seriously. It was heartbreaking when he cried because he couldn't go back in the house.
The black people just weren’t as good

yeah, no. When they had the comp when they were fumbling around in the dark and they were talking about how they hoped Kemi would get eliminated... literally out of nowhere. And the way they alienated Ovi and then eliminated him, and dude was a freaking teddy bear! That whole season just screamed microaggression.