Big Brother 23 Men

Idk why ppl are so against somebody god forbid fat being happy, lovable or deemed slightly desirable. It’s like people go out if their way to scoff and omg lls
Fatphobia runs rampant in the gay community, unfortunately. 98% of the super active threads on here are all dedicated to thin, in shape, hairless, white dudes.
Fatphobia runs rampant in the gay community, unfortunately. 98% of the super active threads on here are all dedicated to thin, in shape, hairless, white dudes.
Your recent activity is literally all in threads of white guys with abs
I just can’t get the thirst for Kyland. He smells thru the screen for me.
IMO he's average looking at best. the smelling and touching his nose to other peoples food and his clearly poor hygiene killed it for me.