CirYes, I would love to see Hisam nominate and eliminate Izzy & Cirie. They are vile human beings.
The things they were doing and saying yesterday crossed the line into bullying and bigotry for me. I doubt they will show most of it on TV but I will summarize here:
They basically created a whole narrative that Hisam was going around to the young "hot" players trying to form alliances with them to get away from his "fat useless old leftover" alliance with Izzy, Cirie, Felicia, Red, etc. Like they were going in on him. They played up the gay stereotype of being vain and theatrical, saying that of course he was trying to be with the "hot" ppl the whole time and that all of his talk of inclusivity, equal rights, anti-agism, etc was fake. They said they "couldnt wait to see the pain in his eyes" when he finds out he's been betrayed. They laughed and said he would probably so "over the top dramatic and theatrical," "throw a tantrum," once it happens on live tv. They were all laughing at him. Cursing. Even Felicia. IT WAS HORRIFYING. They mocked the way he speaks and holds his hands and face. They went and told Jag and Blue that Hisam was "exploiting inclusivity" out of greed. That he was using their ethnicities against them. Blue was horrifed, saying she thought he was genuine but now she sees that he was targeting her due to her ethnicity. Jag agreed. They went to the entire house calling him "disgusting" "dispicable" "dangerous"... I mean it was BAD. Cirie kept saying she doesnt like any "g*ddamn brown (asian/arab) deals. No Queer deals." Izzy was cheering her on. Like it was really disturbing.
As the day went on, Twitter flipped from ragging on Hisam, calling him stuck up and a 'dictator' (pretty problematic term for an arab person), to having a lot of compassion for him. People started turning on Cirie in a major way. By late night, it was pretty bad for Cirie... Twitter ppl calling her an idiot, failure, fraud, loser...
By morning (with what I believe is Producer interference) the flip suddenly reversed back. I think the damage to Cirie and Izzy's game is done though. Not sure how they could ever come back from going so deep and personal against someone that did nothing but support and help them. Hisam is bound to find out as well. Meme was so pissed about all of it. They were trying to bully her to vote Reilly out. BB Twitter is kind of confused now because Cirie was so much of a fan favorite when the season started but she's the villain of the season rn and like everyone is like WTF LOL