Big Brother 25 Men

"last five" - oh please, it's no where near the mid-era of BB8 - BB13 when it comes to rigged. At least likeable diverse people are finally getting some advantages compared to someone like Evel Dick...
haha, that's what I find funny. People think the early days of Big Brother wasn't rigged. When you don't pick a favorite, you look at the game through a different lens. The Fields have a massive advantage, and it has nothing to do with them being related. The advantage is how stupid the other HG's are. They have all stated that Cirie is a "legendary social game player" and have even openly talked about how hard it would be to get rid of her, but yet the thought of putting Cirie on the block hasn't come across any of their minds until it's too late. Cirie should have been gone by now.
Spoilers maybe:

So apparently Cameron might have a glimmer of hope. I read today that this double may see the two people evicted (surely Cameron first) and hopefully Jared or Cirie second face off with the winner coming back in the house.

I'll be really annoyed if Cameron doesn't beat Jared but I know the producers want that outcome...

I will also be mad if someone like America or Corey goes second and loses to Cameron in that battle back competition. So I really hope at worst Cirie, Jared, or Blue go in the double and Cameron comes back.
Fake, the announcer confirmed it’s two leaving for good, then Jury starts with the scary week.
Fake, the announcer confirmed it’s two leaving for good, then Jury starts with the scary week
That's not what was confirmed. Nobody said they were leaving for good. It's highly rumored there will be a battle back tonight which will start scary week but jury is still 2 people away as confirmed by Julie. It's a 7 person jury this year.
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haha, that's what I find funny. People think the early days of Big Brother wasn't rigged. When you don't pick a favorite, you look at the game through a different lens. The Fields have a massive advantage, and it has nothing to do with them being related. The advantage is how stupid the other HG's are. They have all stated that Cirie is a "legendary social game player" and have even openly talked about how hard it would be to get rid of her, but yet the thought of putting Cirie on the block hasn't come across any of their minds until it's too late. Cirie should have been gone by now.
They do wanna get rid of Cirie. Cameron talked about it and Cory.
So happy Jared got evicted due to Cory winning a clutch HOH and Matt winning a very intense DE Veto comp! I know the producers want Jared to win his way back in though but I hope they don't get their way and instead Cameron wins his way back in...

I hope Cameron crushes him.

If there is a puzzle component to that zombie battle back challenge then Jared has little chance of winning. He's dumb AF not to mention very annoying and a threat to win so he must go for reals.

Seriously how many times does one need to spell 'Golden' correctly?

Even if the producers get their way I hope Jag, Matt, Cory, and America vote him out again this time for good.
Have any of the guys mentioned their circumcision status?
Lol, you can safely assume Jag is uncut because he’s Sikh, and there’s a good chance Matt and Cory are too since they’re younger guys from California and Florida. The rest of the guys are probably cut.
Who cares. The show has been rigged for white people for years. I'm here for Jared going back in to help Cirie.
Jared/Cirie are the only people who can still keep the game interesting(in my opinion). Cory is way smarter than everyone else in the house, if they evict them it'll make for a very boring jury phase
Lol, you can safely assume Jag is uncut because he’s Sikh, and there’s a good chance Matt and Cory are too since they’re younger guys from California and Florida. The rest of the guys are probably cut.
I disagree on Cory. He's from Weston, Florida, in Broward County, and circumcision rates there are among the highest in Florida, in part because of the Jewish population. Non-hispanic men in Florida are still overwhelmingly circumcised, and I'd say it's a better than 90% chance he's cut.
So happy Jared got evicted due to Cory winning a clutch HOH and Matt winning a very intense DE Veto comp! I know the producers want Jared to win his way back in though but I hope they don't get their way and instead Cameron wins his way back in...

I hope Cameron crushes him.

If there is a puzzle component to that zombie battle back challenge then Jared has little chance of winning. He's dumb AF not to mention very annoying and a threat to win so he must go for reals.

Seriously how many times does one need to spell 'Golden' correctly?

Even if the producers get their way I hope Jag, Matt, Cory, and America vote him out again this time for good.

Cirie was sad to see him go obviously because he’s her son, but she was probably ecstatic he was leaving because he’s been such a detriment to her game. This kid has so much to learn in this game and in life. He was officially done for me after the way he spoke to Blue, telling her to calm down when she was speaking in a perfectly normal and calm tone. That is the tell tale sign of a man who feels threatened when a woman is smarter than them. I just can’t believe someone related to Cirie who is so good at these games, can be as bad at this game as he is. At least we know both he and Cameron have a pretty even chance at coming back since they are they only 2 who can even win anything aside from Jag and Matt.
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I disagree on Cory. He's from Weston, Florida, in Broward County, and circumcision rates there are among the highest in Florida, in part because of the Jewish population. Non-hispanic men in Florida are still overwhelmingly circumcised, and I'd say it's a better than 90% chance he's cut.
Lol, you can safely assume Jag is uncut because he’s Sikh, and there’s a good chance Matt and Cory are too since they’re younger guys from California and Florida. The rest of the guys are probably cut.
Scratch my prior reply. Cory is 99.9% cut. While going through his HOH baskets with America last night in the supply room, he pointed out that one of the family photos was taken at his brother's bar mitzvah.
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Scratch my prior reply. Cory is 99.9% cut. While going through his HOH baskets with America last night in the supply room, he pointed out that one of the family photos was taken at his brother's bar mitzvah.
Well I stand corrected, had no idea he was Jewish lol. Makes sense. And yeah that’s true but the last circumcision rate reported almost 10 years ago was in the mid 30%… and almost 70% of Florida isn’t Hispanic so that statement doesn’t really apply anymore lol