Big Brother 25 Men

Now I'm not saying all that...Matt is #1 for me. Jared is not super hot, but if he gets a nice hair cut that would help. I like his thickness. And it stops there. I have no interest in anyone else's looks.
Jared probably gives good dick. I don't see Matt in a sexual way for some reason.
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Jared probably gives good dick. I don't see Matt in a sexual way for some reason.
I really think people assume all black men have big dicks. It's not true...I'm black AND I have seen them in all shapes and sizes and from Jared's bulge in the gray sweats, he's pretty average.
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I really think people assume all black men have big dicks. It's not true...I'm black AND I have seen them in all shapes and sizes and from Jared's bulge in the gray sweats, he's pretty average.
Bulge size isn’t an accurate determiner of erect penis size.
Not to further break down generalizations, but giving good dick doesn’t mean you have to have a big one.
I was so confused when that person mentioned penis size. The OP said "good dick" whats that have to do with him maybe having an average cock?
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I really think people assume all black men have big dicks. It's not true...I'm black AND I have seen them in all shapes and sizes and from Jared's bulge in the gray sweats, he's pretty average.

Bulge size isn’t an accurate determiner of erect penis size.

No it doesn't. It's usually misleading.
Agree with the statements that bulges can be misleading. I say the same thing. And my first thought was they didn't say anything about the size of Jared's penis, they just said he probably gives good dick. Dick doesn't have to be big to be good.

I will say judging by the video where he pushed his hard penis down in his pants, it doesn't look big. But that's different from just a bulge. It's still not seeing the actual penis, but it can give more of an idea of how big better than just a bulge.
Well I'm happy with Thursday's results.

I honestly thought the entire competition that Cameron had to get ALL three balls in under 3 minutes and was PISSED they rigged it for the douche. Idk how I didn’t hear he only needed one but everyone’s distrust of Production on OBB had me expecting to get fucked over because while I don’t like Cameron that much I loathe Jared…

Had Cameron not dropped the first ball and kept that pace without falling he had a shot to actually get all three balls in the hand. So when Cameron got the only one he needed I was thrilled to find out that he just won it outright. So praise be Production didn’t get their way! :p

You know they are livid lol. They wanted to have Jared/Cirie’s family bond leak and cause some drama. Even though Jared spilled the beans to Blue (and Izzy knew since Minute 1) they were ride or dies with that information so I gotta give those girls props for their loyalty.

This week should be very interesting.
Cam (this week's HOH/Veto winner *props to him but it's the last compliment I'll give him*) is doing what most always knew what he wanted to do by getting out the dude 'his girl' picked over him smh. So yeah he'll backdoor Cory later today because he is a jealous hater but it ain't going to help him get any pussy in the jury house which is absolutely where he will be to reminisce on his stupidity soon enough. He is certainly not winning $750k and like I said he is not winning what Cory probably already had...

I can't wait til Cameron is juror # 1 or by some miracle no better than juror # 3.

He's not winning this game and only ensured that at least one for sure floater is getting to the finals.

It is really sad that he, Cory, Matt, and Jag couldn't stick together since they are all threats and as the only men left they already were a minority. I hope the girls get all these idiot men out after they shoot themselves in the foot by going from four guys to two guys (when Cameron leaves in the next couple of weeks since most are targeting him next week lol).

Matt and Jag would be stupid to get him out so soon actually because they would obviously become the next huge target as the final two men and the final two people with competition wins that were tough wins not some luck challenge like the one Felicia won.

Is there any reason why Cirie, Mecole, or Felicia would go after Bowie fucking Jane or Blue rather than one of those dudes? Get real.

Cirie’s iconic season of Survivor (Season 16 which is the one she should have won) had her get to the Final 3 by rocking with a tight female alliance so Idk why they don’t realize that that is what is going to happen. It already basically has since Izzy was just replaced by Blue. And once Cory leaves America is not going to just accept that. She’ll side with the girls no doubt. She always says how Cirie is so nice when she talks to her so yeah America will side with Cirie especially if one of the girls wins HOH.

The producers may get their way with a Cirie win this season lol. I could just see her, America, and Mecole being the final 3 and Cirie wins that final HOH and takes Mecole ftw. She probably would win 5-2 or 6-1.

Grod is loving life that these men are so damn short sighted. I really want Cameron, Matt, and Jag to be juror # 1-3. It's what they deserve.
Well I just read more feed stuff and if Cameron doesn't flip the script again it seems he is listening to Jag/Matt and will NOT be backdooring Cory after all. At least that was what he decided at 2:10 AM today. Waking up and doing the ceremony later today can easily change stuff though.

If Cory survives this week then maybe this thread won't take such a hit. Because I really do feel that if Cory leaves then Cameron goes and then Matt/Jag leaving us with all girls.

I actually like some of the girls like Mecole, Cirie, and America but so far the men of the season deserve to win more than any of those three girls.
Taran Armstrong is so fucking hot he’s been posting some rock climbing videos on Instagram that show off his ass real nice too View attachment 104109741LMFAO nasty … get some standards

Taran Armstrong is so fucking hot he’s been posting some rock climbing videos on Instagram that show off his ass real nice too View attachment 104109741
LMFAO get some standards. Dude is hideous and has the personality of a plain bagel
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