Big Brother 25 Men


Oh Hisam is packing. I love a hung bottom. Did you guys catch the conversation on the feeds last night when they were talking about...

getting harnessed for the video competition? He said his nads were getting squeezed. Cirie asked if he was carrying heavy equipment and then the feeds cut off. He also said he's misses affectionate touch, which I think he meant sex. So I imagine he will be jerking off in the house soon.

Love how it hasn’t even been a week yet and he’s already so horny. If we are getting some good bulge from him now I can’t wait until day 30 and that morning wood is out of control :heart_eyes:
Love how it hasn’t even been a week yet and he’s already so horny. If we are getting some good bulge from him now I can’t wait until day 30 and that morning wood is out of control :heart_eyes:
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