Big Brother 26 Men

Cam does nothing for me, and I usually get off on black dudes. Doesn't look like he's packin much (which I can get over, not every dude is gonna have a huge dick) but where I am at in the Season now, he seems dumb as a rock. I shake my head every time I see his game or when he talks. Sorry, just me.
Someone said he’s the new Zack Rance and now I can’t unsee it. We need a Frankie in there with him to give him handjobs under the sheets. View attachment 138809431
Yep, I SEE IT. I believe without a doubt he's very free sexually, just got into this thread so I haven't read alot, but his energy gives off confident sexuality, and I think he would be pansexual if anything. (I did not care for a few of his "I'm running the house" type cockiness attitude, tho. Such a difference in confidence and cockiness. )
He looks way too skinny. Why focus on him & not Cam? Tucker is hilarious & I like how he doesn't like white girls, but Cam looks way better than him. Body & all. I've caught a couple glimpses of Cam's bulge & WOW
You've seen a bulge??? On Cam? Can't find it with a magnifying glass
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