Big brother australia nude housemate

If they do Dating Naked Australia, it'll blow this out of the water. And after the success of the UK version, it can't be far behind.
Australia seems to be open to wanting more nudity on shows. I noticed their Survivor is always showing the guys naked and they tried uncut with BB last year. But I won't keep my hopes too high.
Australia seems to be open to wanting more nudity on shows. I noticed their Survivor is always showing the guys naked and they tried uncut with BB last year. But I won't keep my hopes too high.
Uncut was the only thing that Seven got right and given that the press release said that they plan to strip BB across all network 10 platforms I’d be shocked if they didn’t give it another go.

They seem to be leaning in to a lot of nostalgia and a recent radio interview with Mel opened with “something from our youth is coming back”. I’d be shocked if 10’s strategy wasn’t to target this era at millennials who will then get thier kids watching it. Not family friendly but a show (with maybe a little bit of edge) that has a bit of something for EVERYONE.

The key to having Uncut in the modern era is going to be having a focus on content that couldn’t make the daily show with the odd perv sprinkled in.
Uncut was the only thing that Seven got right and given that the press release said that they plan to strip BB across all network 10 platforms I’d be shocked if they didn’t give it another go.

They seem to be leaning in to a lot of nostalgia and a recent radio interview with Mel opened with “something from our youth is coming back”. I’d be shocked if 10’s strategy wasn’t to target this era at millennials who will then get thier kids watching it. Not family friendly but a show (with maybe a little bit of edge) that has a bit of something for EVERYONE.

The key to having Uncut in the modern era is going to be having a focus on content that couldn’t make the daily show with the odd perv sprinkled in.
But Uncut was like little quick flashes. Dating Naked is fully naked the entire time. The UK version even showed guys with semis and some close ups. Most stuff is shot by a cameraman and not a hidden camera. I think the UK already renewed season 2 and 3.

If it came to Australia it would most likely be on a cable network or a streaming service.
So, who's excited for Big Brother returning this year? Won't be on 7, back on either 9 or 10, which ever it was originally on. Hopefully we get more uncut stuff this year 🙏
It’s 10 and while the “24/7” live feed have been confirmed to be returning the status of Uncut is still unknown. I would expect if Uncut does return it will likely be a streaming exclusive and will remain relatively tame as it was during the final series on 7. The live feeds as well are likely to be heavily censored and delayed.
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