He masturbated yesterdayPrior
prior winner
Prior is likely winning this edition. I’m not saying that because he’s hot. He is leader this week and made everyone but himself and babu Xepa. He takes risks and has survived this long growing stronger each week with the public. Babu is more so just following Prior but he definitely deserves second place he’s a good man. Thelma won’t win because the minute they are down to less people the house plans on putting her on the wall. She won’t survive a wall against Rafa and Manu.Sério?! Admito que me sinto atraído por ele, mas espero que não ganhe. Nem o Babu. Torço pela Thelma, mas também gosto da Manu e da Rafa.
Prior is likely winning this edition. I’m not saying that because he’s hot. He is leader this week and made everyone but himself and babu Xepa. He takes risks and has survived this long growing stronger each week with the public.
Babu is more so just following Prior but he definitely deserves second place he’s a good man.
He’s never said anything homophobic...I'm aware of his growing popularity. It sucks, but it's not that surprising. After all, last year's winner was an extremely annoying racist woman. So why wouldn't a sexist, delusional, hypocritical, idiot also be chosen by the public? It only makes sense...
I disagree. In addition to being homophobic, he's also a total hypocrite. Ever since he paired up with Prior, his attitude has progressively worsened. He plays up the kindly papa bear image when it suits him, but every time those two start yapping he shows his true colors.
He’s never said anything homophobic...
I take it you didn’t watch the clip? Babu said the homophobic slang not Prior...
I take it you didn’t watch the clip? Babu said the homophobic slang not Prior...
Torço E pra ver a rola do PriorAcho que a gente não precisa conversar em inglês kkkkk
Mas enfim, acho que todo mundo dali já fez alguma merda. E acho que devemos separar a vida real do entretenimento. Eu torço pelo Prior, entendo que ele fala umas bostas, mas me divirto com o jogo dele. Tem gente ali que tá fazendo fotossíntese.
Delícia, tem mais?Hadson nude leaked
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Torcendo para que outros vazemHadson nude leaked
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prior vai ganhar pq as palhaças das "fadas sensatas" se queimaram
a hipocrisia de militante de tt se destacou ali tudo racista ou passando pano pra racismo
a unica que tira esse premio dele é a rafa kk
prior vai ganhar pq as palhaças das "fadas sensatas" se queimaram
a hipocrisia de militante de tt se destacou ali tudo racista ou passando pano pra racismo
a unica que tira esse premio dele é a rafa kk