He did tell the current HOH at the time basically 'don't nominate me because if you do it won't work out and I'll come back next week and get you out.'
It was clearly not aggressive (certainly not as much as she claimed) but still a very stupid thing to say out loud.
If he would have just not reacted to her that way when she said she could put him up and said something like 'oh we are good so I want to help you get out who you want this week. You are not my target this week or really ever. You remind me of my mom so I want to protect you. Just let me know what I can do to help you.' *Hugs her and leaves* he'd very likely still be in the house and Kenney would have been evicted.
People need to learn to act fake as fuck to other house guests especially if they have power over them... Words don't necessarily have to mean shit but actions do.
I would say what I have to say to secure my safety then probably talk a gang of shit behind their back to the feeds (when I'm alone), in the DR, and maybe to my closest ally...
Seriously once Matt was safe then the following week or asap he could have got his revenge on Angela. But he had to act stupid so it cost him and us because now we won't get that dick slip! :'(