Personally, I just don't check out other guys in that way. Obviously, in locker rooms its pretty much impossible to not notice. I wouldn't say I treat a man any different based on his size, but I could see how it might be a thing for some people. I can't say that I've noticed straight men in the act of acknowledging my bulge either, though I have had straight acquaintances bring it up after the fact.

The few times I've noticed that my bulge has had an effect on the way people treat me is, I used to be in sales, and if a woman would notice it, the conversation usually gets a bit more flirty. Hanging out with my gay and non straight friends, it does get pointed out quite often though haha.
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Personally, I just don't check out other guys in that way. Obviously, in locker rooms its pretty much impossible to not notice. I wouldn't say I treat a man any different based on his size, but I could see how it might be a thing for some people. I can't say that I've noticed straight men in the act of acknowledging my bulge either, though I have had straight acquaintances bring it up after the fact.

The few times I've noticed that my bulge has had an effect on the way people treat me is, I used to be in sales, and if a woman would notice it, the conversation usually gets a bit more flirty. Hanging out with my gay and non straight friends, it does get pointed out quite often though haha.
You’ve got a real beauty, bro!
I definitely have gotten treated differently after people find out my dick is big. The one time that sticks out the most to me is one kid I was friends with who would constantly act like a douche because he thought he had the biggest dick of the group. He was always bragging and used it as a reason to try to make himself look better or display some dominance over the other dudes. It was always that "yea but my dick is bigger" bullshit to other dudes to make himself feel better about something. After realizing my dick was bigger, he pretty much stopped acting like that. I wasn't on a mission to humble his ass but it just happened haha. He would say such lame and douche type shit and after was a much more calm and chill dude who stopped acting like his dick made him "the man." For me, a few times people treated me a bit better but it never sat well with me because I thought it was lame for them to use that as a reason why, although a few times it might have worked in my favor and I did not complain haha. If I notice another bro has a big dick too, I'm not treating them differently than any other bro but I most def will give them that fuck yea whether its silently in my head or if I know them out loud where it's me feeling a connection with them over something we share. Just like if I saw a dude with the same car as me, im gonna fucking honk my horn and give him a thumbs up. I love my dick and so I would imagine they love theirs and I dig sharing the joy of being big but at no time would treat them better than a bro who didnt have a big dick. Nor would a better body get me to treat someone differently. I'm always going to give props and never intimidated to give props to another bro but treating them differently would never be my thing. I'm treating everyone with the same respect and love.
I have noticed the same thing! Most guys will show respect to another guy who is hung bigger than they are.....I think it's some kind of primal instinct. I've seen a guy's attitude change almost instantly when the unders drop and the dude ifrst notices the other hanging way bigger and the sack showing a pair of big ones.
I’ve noticed this as well. I once ran into a client in the showers after swimming at the gym. He and I were both naked at the large gang showers, and there is definitely a big difference between his small dick and my larger soft dick hanging down. He made an excuse to keep the conversation going longer than it had to. And the next time I saw him at his office for a meeting, he was much nicer and more respectful than he had ever been
To be honest, I rarely notice a guys bulge as I am not looking at them.

Now in a shower where everything is presented and not covered by clothes I certainly notice them. Possibly even earning the fortunate guy some additional respect.
To get into the big dick psychology you should go to a dick shrink.
Really I think is a really unlikely situation to see people you normally interact naked, plus guessing actual size since soft hard dispersion. If I notice any change I would consider interacting with someone else, what kind of person are more polite to bigger dicks? Shallow hall?