Big Hiro 10

Dream Big

Superior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Washington (Washington, D.C., United States)
90% Gay, 10% Straight
This is a bit of smut I know damned well the mouse wouldn’t approve of, and I don’t really approve of it either, but here we are. No infringement intended. All characters are of legal age and any flashbacks do not contain sexual content.

Hiro’s 19th birthday was fast approaching, and he had no idea how we was going to spend it. Or with whom.

Spending the last several years fighting supervillains and robots and whatnot with his team and his buddy Baymax, while also dealing with all the fun and awkwardness of puberty, had shaped the boy genius into a young stud, something he was only obliquely aware of. He still measured himself unconsciously against his perfect, but deceased, older brother, and while he mostly had made peace with it, the desire to be someone Tadashi would be proud of still buzzed along as an undercurrent to, well, everything. It was almost as though he were driven to make up for that loss by being as awesome as his brother, on top of being the best he could be as Hiro.

When it became clear that his frail kid body was a liability in his superheroics, he put that big brain of his on the task. Having access to state of the art labs and a team of college geniuses with various specialties meant he was very well equipped to capitalize on whatever nature saw fit to give him, and then some. And so over the past five years, he’d grown from a scrawny five foot tall 14-year-old to a healthy, strong, and well built young adult of 19…one who’d also been engaged in superheroics every night for five years.

After one particularly demanding battle about a year into their superheroics, he had talked Wasabi into showing him around the gym. The big guy was naturally burly, and his aversion to germs meant he worked out at home — and as an appreciative Hiro discovered, he was in much better shape than the boy had realized. And thus, Hiro began working out in earnest, emphasizing flexibility and core strength, which helped him with the bit of martial arts he still practiced. At first with Wasabi, but soon on his own, after it became clear that workout partner’s fastidiousness was going to drive him crazy. Honestly, the nightly patrols and occasional fights for his life were enough to keep him in shape, but by the time he was sixteen, he realized he had been working toward an ideal. Tadashi, at first — he hoped to grow into the sort of lean, slightly muscular, ideal his older brother had been. But now? He aimed a little broader and stronger. Maybe it was all the idealized bodies he’d seen in Fred’s comics, or maybe it was watching all those Olympics to build training programs, but something about gymnasts and their build had imprinted in his subconscious. With Baymax’s medical databanks and some expert training and nutritional advice in hand, he entered late puberty very well poised to take advantage of it.

For two years, he had worked toward that goal every day, and his body responded in a way only a burgeoning hormonal teen could. Not wanting to risk anything like steroids, he mostly ate right and took a few standard supplements, but everything he did had solid science behind it . By his 18th birthday, the long awaited growth spurt had finally gifted him a bit more in height, and he was no longer what anyone could call short: he had settled at a reasonable 5’10”. Just shy of Tadashi’s 6’, but he liked to think he made up for it by being a bit better built. He had the body most TikTok boys strove for, really — lean and ripped without being vascular or overblown. The one thing he was vain about was his abs, which were the product of lucky genetics and teenage metabolism as much as his obsessive core workouts.

But he was, in many ways, still the awkward kid brother to a much-missed Tadashi around his teammates. Science geeks above all else, none of them were particularly adept at matters of the heart, or the flesh, for that matter. Deep, mutual affection bound them, maturing past what had been initially an attempt to humor their lost friend’s kid brother. He’d proven himself to them, and to the city, and even to Aunt Cass and a handful of other mentors and authority figures. But his team shared in all the big parts of his life — just as Baymax carried that spark of his brother’s soul.

He’d gone through phases of crushes on each of them over the last few years. Gogo excited him but had no interest in boys, he learned (luckily before he said or did anything stupid), And Honey Lemon? He was pretty sure she’d been fixated on his brother, but never worked up the courage to dig deeper after found out they had dated. At some point he figured out that Wasabi was a bit of a hunk, and when he realized that, he did some soul searching and realized he was fine with that. He couldn’t see Wasabi loosening up enough to date anyone, much less get busy with them. The memory of the neat freak wiping down his gym obsessively was kind of cute, but that would be a lot to take and he knew they’d clash over that. He liked the Fred well enough but felt no attraction to him at all. Weirdly, he heard that Fred was apparently a legend around campus — his easy going nature and apparent aptitude for doing the deed meant he didn’t lack for partners when he was in the mood. Being rich probably didn’t hurt his chances, either.

The one person he had really had feelings for was Karmi, a kid genius like him. But that didn’t work out. She had moved away, and he’d been a bit emo for a while, before resigning himself to what life was already giving him. It wasn’t that bad, really. He had Cass and Mochi, and Baymax, and his friends. His life was pretty good.


Honey Lemon, as usual, was solving problems with chemistry.

She’d been doing it ever since she was a teen and now, at 24, she held several degrees in it and was pursuing a third.

But this particular problem was one she had been solving in secret, terrified anyone might discover what she was working on — and in particular a specific someone.

Her bubbly personality hid how deeply she’d felt Tadashi’s loss. Always keeping group harmony in mind, she knew it would be disruptive if she ever let it spill that she and Tadashi had become lovers just a week before his untimely death.

She had been in lust with the handsome boy from the moment they met; his lean and rangy body and his deep brown eyes, his warm smile. He was just sexy and oblivious to it. But as they became friends, she noticed his underlying scent and it activated something primal in her. She’d obtained some of his sweat once (for science!) and had run a detailed analysis on its components. Nothing stood out, just typical pheromones and the results of various scented body washes and shampoos. She’d done DNA sequencing on his hair, too. All for fun, but also with the aim of finding out what in his biology made her so unbelievably attracted to him.

When they’d finally admitted their mutual crushes late one night in the lab, she had found herself so aroused it was painful, and she practically jumped the boy. He was just as enthusiastic, and his scent became even more enticing, and they made love on their second date. And then she got a real surprise, because sweet and wholesome Tadashi was blessed with solid 8.5 inch uncut dick and apparently bottomless testicles.

In just a short 8 days, she had stolen several shirts and a pair of boxer briefs from him, even a pair of socks. And she had several vials of his spunk, too, stored away in the deep freeze. She knew it was weird and obsessive, but there had to be some answer for why she literally couldn’t get enough of him. Thus, science.

And then he’d been killed, and then Hiro and Baymax showed up, and …. Well, it’s one thing to be a part time grad student working on a second doctorate, and another to be part time superhero. She was fond of the kid and empathetic about his loss. Then he grew up, and she noticed a familiar scent whenever they trained or fought together. When she realized Hiro was headed down the same path as his older brother, physically, she surreptitiously ran some tests.

Hiro was seventeen at the time, and struggling with his frustration at being the little guy on the team. He’d been working out and eating right and all that. What harm could there be in helping him as only she could? And so, the biochem genius began her program to help build a better Hiro. He loved his brother and missed him so much, maybe even more than she did. What if she could bring the brothers closer?

Boosting certain hormones was child’s play to her, but she was concerned about dangerous nanotech getting out of hand, so she instead focused on simpler stuff. And she had enough of Tadashi’s dna and samples to work from — their genetic potential was much the same and she had the know how to influence how those genes played out. Any tinkering could be explained by normal hormonal changes at his age. A small dose here and there wasn’t too risky, and she was patient.

Within six months it was clear that it was having some effect, as the boy’s frame filled out and his voice deepened. The scrawny kid brother was getting pleasingly beefy. But best of all, his scent slowly changed, coaxed along by natural changes in his biochemistry and the introduction of elements she introduced through other means. It wasn’t Tadashi’s scent, but it was similar. And it was starting to have a similar effect.

The day after his 18th birthday — they’d been busy saving the city all night again and had missed the party Cass arranged — the team was exhausted, and they’d gone to Fred’s to change after the fight. Having a friend who had so many bathrooms was handy. But Hiro had passed out right there on the sofa, and whatever he was dreaming about must have been sexy. She saw a distinctive outline in his suit that brought back other memories.

And then Fred had walked in, and chuckled “nice boner, man,” waking up the embarrassed teen. Neither of them noticed her, however.

Her practiced eye had estimated a healthy 6 inches. She smiled, knowing she could help.


In the shower, Hiro had a growing problem. He wasn’t complaining about his size, not really, but over the past year he had grown four inches in height…and four inches in length. He was overjoyed when when overtook Gogo and was no longer the shortest member on the team. He was happy when his penis hit average territory. But as he continued to growl, he increasingly found his bulge inconvenient. And the demands of his body were annoying. He blasted an enormous load and then switched to cold water, hoping to soften up his problem before he joined Aunt Cass for breakfast.

“You have another. Erection.” Baymax said, as Hiro toweled off. “Your extended adolescent growth spurt has placed you well above average and your hormone levels are high. In addition, your. Masturbation. In the shower has not appreciably eased your arousal and discomfort.”

“Baymax! Please! You can’t just blurt that stuff out!”

The robot cocked his head sideways, evaluating. “Scanning. Your body chemistry has altered.”

“Yes, puberty, I know.”

“While not abnormal, your recent changes have created embarrassing situations for you. These are common in your age group, as are fears of inadequate. However, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Your dedication to fitness and nutrition has left you in admirable condition, and your latest growth spurt has placed you in a rare percentile. You are conventionally attractive and compare well with others in your age and economic and social group.”


“You appear to be struggling with feelings of embarrassment, and shame is often encountered by young adults as they mature sexually.”

“You don’t say,” Hiro said, pulling on some underwear that, he suddenly realized, were no longer up to the task.

“You require new undergarments to properly support your genitals. I suggest you choose a larger size, or consider specialty garments to accommodate your size.”

Hiro blushed.

“Your penis is quite large, even in proportion to your testicles,” the robot observed. “It appears to be in good health.”

“It’s fine. It’s not a problem.” Hiro said, adjusting himself. “I’m not that big, am I?”

“Your penis averages 15 centimeters when flaccid, but reaches 25.45 centimeters when fully erect. This is statistically quite rare.”

“How rare?” Hiro wondered aloud.

“According to literature, one in approximately 500 million,” Baymax replied.

“Wow,” Hiro aid, quietly. “No wonder I have felt so strange.”

“Your testicles are similarly large,” Baymax said. “Perhaps once your puberty subsides, you will be more comfortable. Until then, it is not advisable to be in public while erect. It is considered taboo in your local culture and may invite unwanted negative encounters with friends and family.”

Great. He’d gone from being the skinny shrimp to being a little too big. And he was still hard.

“Do you require assistance?”



“You are still suffering from a painful erection and you are expected for a meal shortly. I am aware that you recently masturbated, but despite the release you appear to remain aroused. Do you require assistance?”

“What do you mean, assistance?

“Among the stores of medical knowledge is an extensively library from the Kinsey institute, as well as resources associated with sex therapy from various sources. There are numerous techniques to manage unwanted arousal. I can access many.”

Hiro laughed nervously. What the hell!?

“Your. Nervous. Laughter. Suggests discomfort with the concept of me assisting you. Am I correct in this diagnosis?”

“It’s a little weird, yeah…”

“When Tadashi built me, he intended for me to serve in many therapeutic capacities. He limited many of these subroutines as irrelevant or unsuited for broader use, and locked those subroutines when he prepared to submit the prototype. After consulting with his instructor, he decided to place certain options behind a setting that requires a legal adult to authorize them. You have been a legal adult for nearly a year.”

Hiro’s mind reeled with possibilities.

”Baymax, I am your patient. I am of legal age.”

“Your statement is accurate,” Baymax replied.

“Now,” he said, locking his door, “I am suffering from acute sexual arousal and have been unable to satisfy my needs. What treatment do you recommend?”
Cass wasn’t sure what was taking the boy so long. Tadashi was so punctual and neat, but his brother — well, neither of those things could be said about the younger brother. If she didn’t have the cafe to worry about it would be different, but she did, so….

Just at the edge of her patience, the boy came rushing down the stairs, sounding like a herd of elephants. They way he’d sprouted over the last few years, he might just as well have been. He certainly seemed to eat enough for a couple of kids his size, anyway. Ah well, being a superhero on top of everything else, it was a predictable hazard.

Normally it was all lean proteins and smoothies for breakfast, albeit ones that Baymax had approved of. But this was his overdue birthday breakfast and that meant pancakes. Which she had started the moment he came clomping down, trusting her knack for timing to see her through. Her assistant could keep the cafe going for the next half hour.

“Happy birthday, kiddo,” she said, sliding over the first of several plate-filling hotcakes. A plateful of bacon was already vanishing into the teen’s smiling face. He chuckled at the pancake, which was shaped like Baymax’s face.

“Nice one. You’re the best.”

“I know it’s cheat day but I’m so proud of all that discipline and focus you’ve shown lately, I have a banana smoothie waiting for you in the fridge.

By now Baymax had plodded down the steps and joined them. “Have you added—-“ he began.

“Yes, Baymax, I’ve added his daily supplements.”

“That is good! Honey Lemon. Has provided suitable nutritional aids. She was quite insistent on keeping to schedule.”

“Speaking of schedule,” Cass said, what took you so long? I was about to start without you!” She slid another large hotcake from one pan onto the plate, then flipped the other. In went the batter for another.

“Um—-“ Hiro said, intercepting before Baymax could answer, “I just got distracted in the shower, thinking about stuff. Lost track of time.”

Cass smirked, since she was facing away, but said nothing. Raising two boys meant she’d had to deal with the harsh realities of male adolescence. And she hadn’t planned on kids at all. Still, it was worth it. Hiro was more than a great kid, he was a damned hero, and a genius, and a caring, sweet boy who meant the world to her. He’d had a rough go of it after Tadashi, but dug his way out.

Of course, these days, he looked more like a college athlete than the scrawny youth he was in her mind’s eye. He was looking more like his father, even more than Tadashi had. But he still retained a lot of her sister’s traits — big, expressive eyes, and that little gap in his front tooth. She could see them in him, and more than a bit of his late brother, actually. He’d idolized Tadashi, and his death nearly broke him. But puberty had, after a few tricky years, been kind to him. More than kind, if she was being honest. Whenever Hiro helped her in the cafe, lots of attractive youngsters found extra reasons to linger, but she was pretty sure her nephew had no idea he was the reason.

“So, big guy, any plans for today?”

“Going to the lab,” he said between bites. “Then a quick patrol, and then over to Fred’s to play board games and maybe watch a movie.”

“Sounds great.”

“Oh! I’m sorry – did you want to do something?” The last of the pancakes had vanished and so had the bacon. Where did he put it all?

“We’ll do something tomorrow, it’s okay. You should spend time with your friends. I mean when you’re NOT fighting bad guys. You’re only young once!”

He smiled brightly. God, she hoped he never lost that eager smile.

“You’re the best, Aunt Cass.” He stood and bent to pick up his plate.

“Leave it, I’ve got you,” she said. “Happy birthday.”

He smiled and gave her a big hug, easily lifting her off her feet. When had he gotten so strong? How long had it been since a big strong man had picked her up like that?

Cass shook her head and waved at his retreating form as he exited through the cafe. She barely noticed that most of the patrons had stopped to watch him go. She certainly didn’t notice the two teens by the window craning their necks to watch his backside as he went.

When she returned, Baymax was already clearing the table, helping as best he could, though his bulky and bulbous form was not well suited to the job. He bent over to pick up a napkin that had fallen, and she noticed a bit of whipped cream on the back of his head.

“Got a little something on the back of your head, Baymax.”

“Ah. If you no longer need my assistance, I will go back upstairs and clean my exterior before I recharge.”

It wasn’t until he was most of the way up the stairs when she realized they hadn’t had any whipped cream with the pancakes.
Having sated all his appetites, Hiro very much enjoyed taking his time getting to the lab. It was nice to NOT be rushing around for a change, and he’d had a particularly nice breakfast with Aunt Cass, but if he was honest with himself, he had other reasons for the dopey grin on his face as he looked out the bus window at San Fransokyo.

He had been well and truly drained, after blowing a load in the shower and another in Baymax’s capable hands. The robot had always had incredibly fine motor control in its digits, as befit a device created as a medical helper. But he never knew just how carefully calibrated they were. And whatever databases Tadashi had raided to impart those techniques were pretty thorough.

He wondered if Tadashi had ever opted to test those routines. But then he put that thought out of his head. He wasn’t ready to think of his big brother as a sexual being – even though, objectively, he knew he must have been. And he knew his brother had been, objectively, attractive. He was pretty sure Honey Lemon had liked him as more than just a friend, too – so there must have been other girls. Probably boys, too. Who knew which way Tadashi had swung? You didn’t grow up in San Fransokyo without being open minded on that front. Heck, he was pretty sure he was bi, himself. Certainly his eye had been drawn to more than just girls, especially with Karmi out of the picture.

He looked around at the other folks in the bus – many were students at SFIT, and sure enough there was a mass exodus of college kids and grad students at his stop. Most headed toward campus, and he needed to cut through to reach the lab anyway. Since he wasn’t a traditional student (and hadn’t been since he was a kid), he had very little sense of the usual ebb and flow of the college calendar, but the campus seemed oddly busy for a warm day in June. Must be a summer session, he thought.

He suddenly realized that if he’d been a normal kid, with a normal brain and a normal life, he might well have been one of the kids he saw all around. Most would be around his age, just getting out on their own for their first taste of adulthood. At 19, he was technically a graduate student, and occasionally helped teach classes as a requirement of his scholarship. He was, however, in no hurry to get a meaningless scrap of paper, not while he had unlimited access to pretty much all the resources and few real responsibilities. Both Krei and SFIT’s leaders were aware of the gang’s heroic deeds and cut them a LOT of slack.

But he was willing to bet very few of the hot shirtless boys or girls in bikinis who littered the quad had faced the challenges he had. They were carefree, or worried mostly about grades, or money, or looking good for potential partners. But they were, like him, in their physical prime. And as Hiro had become increasingly aware of his own sexual needs lately, he realized that the place was teeming with sexual tension. There were loads of hot bods, and in the wake of finding out that he was one in half a billion when it came to his manhood, he suddenly realized he was a match for most, if not all of them. He almost certainly had them beat in brains, was a match for most in brawn, AND he almost certainly had the biggest dick on campus. Plus, he was a superhero!

Hiro’s smirk grew a little cockier as he walked. Finally, after several years of effort, he was getting noticed! His confidence surged as he saw lingering looks on quite a few faces, and outright stares from others.

“Hey bro, you new here?”

He was startled by the guy who was suddenly right next to him. The boy was lean and lanky, with shaggy brown hair with white tips.

“Not really, no,” he chuckled.

“Are you like a sophomore or something?”

“Grad student, technically.”

“Sorry, man, you look like you’re my age.”

“I’m nineteen,” Hiro said.

“Oh! Oh you ARE my age? How are you a grad student?”

Shit, this kid had some dimples and a very cute face. His eyes were light brown and his lips were full.

“Long story.”

“Okay,” Dimples said. “I was hoping you could help me find my dorm….”


“Dimples” was actually Charlie, and it became quickly apparent that his request for help was a shallow excuse to walk there with Hiro.

“I have a bad sense of direction,” Charlie said. “Get turned around easily and distracted, it’s kind of annoying.”

“I think half the people in this place are on the spectrum,” Hiro said. Himself included, probably.

“Thanks, though,” the boy said. “You, uh, wanna check out my room? I got a sweet setup…”

“Sure, I got a little time.”

Charlie was on the fourth floor and did, indeed, have an enviable setup. For a freshman dorm, it was pretty tidy. But he couldn’t help but notice that the two beds had been placed side by side, rather than stacked as bunks.

“No roommate?”

“Supposed to, but he never showed. I lucked out, huh?”

“Yup. So what are you studying?”

“Robotics, actually. But more the design stuff rather than the mechanics. User interface and style matter just as much as the AI system or the actuators!”

“I know just what you mean.”

“You know…” Charlie said, “I noticed your style right away. Super casual, but very functional.”

Hiro looked down at his usual clothing — slightly ratty tee shirt under a hoodie. He blushed a little as he suddenly realized he should go up a size. He’d gotten used to the compression stuff he wore under his battle armor, and hadn’t realized his favorite t-shirts were getting threadbare and a bit too tight. This one looked almost painted on.

“You have a really nice body,” Charlie said, a little huskily, “but imagine if your shirt fit properly, or those pants were….”

Charlie’s eyes bugged out a bit as he realized that the pants bore the unmistakable outline of Hiro’s bait and tackle.


“Yeah, I should probably dress a bit better, huh?” Hiro stammered. He probably didn’t spend as much time with kids his age as he should, because things suddenly felt very awkward.

“No, no, it’s fine!” Charlie stammered. “I didn’t mean to insult you, I was just saying you dress like you don’t really care, they’re just clothes and you are focused on other things. But, like, you might feel more comfortable with a few upgrades to the user interface, if you —“ he frowned. “Sorry, my metaphor sucks. Just, you don’t need to hide under a hoodie, you know?”

Hiro found himself looking more critically at Charlie, too — the frosted tips were a choice, as were the standard issue long sleeve tee under a regular tee, which advertised an art exhibit at one of the museums. Black jeans and boots. Pretty standard artsy student fare, but it suited the guy.

“So what do your clothes say about you?”

“Mostly that I’m broke, and I hit thrift shops,” Charlie laughed. “You got lucky. Usually I’ve got paint drippings on my stuff.”

“Artist, got it.”

“Um. I guess,” Charlie said. “Hey, I feel stupid but I’m going to ask, because this place is supposed to be about taking chances and I ran into you and you were really cool and like a grad student and all that, and all I could think of was I wanted to say something but I didn’t know what to talk about and so here we are and do you maybe want to get coffee or something?”

Hiro smiled, once the barrage of words sunk in. “You know what? I’d like that.”

“Really?” Man, those dimples.

“Yeah? I mean why not? But I have a thing this afternoon with my team….my um, research group.”

“Oh,” Charlie visibly drooped. “Came on too strong, didn’t I?”

“No! No, I just….” Hiro said, “…I just haven’t been asked out before. By a guy, I mean.”

“Why not? You’re here, which means you’re smart, and you’re pretty hot.”

“I’ve been here a few years, but I’ve been kind of busy. Plus, I didn’t even…. I didn’t even really think about it guys that way until recently. I’m kind of still…exploring, I guess.”

“Ah. My mom figured me out when I was ten. I took a little longer,” Charlie said. “But knowing it and acting on it are different things. But like, I feel like it’s maybe the time to take a leap, you know?”

“Well, what is college for, if not risks?”

“Can I take another risk?” Charlie said, hesitant.


“I gotta know, man,” he said, gesturing at Hiro’s crotch. “Is that what I think it is?”

Hiro slowly looked down at his unmistakable maleness, which even flaccid, took up more space than he’d realized in these pants. But once his gaze was set there, it woke up.

“Wow,” Charlie said, as the boys watched it inflate. “I guess it is.”

“It’s been a crazy couple of months.” Hiro squirmed, awkwardly trying to adjust his cock while simultaneously feeling embarrassed by it.

“Does that mean you like me?”

“I like you so far,” Hiro said softly.

“I think you’re hot,” Charlie said. “And you’re nice. And I was hoping to maybe make out or something, but um…” he glanced at the lump shooting slowly down Hiro’s thigh, “that’s kinda scary.”

It scares me too, Hiro thought.

“Maybe we should take things slowly,” Hiro said. Despite the growing urgency and heat in his loins, he kind of liked Charlie and didn’t want to scare him off or do something stupid. “Let’s try coffee first. Anything else that happens, happens. Deal?”

“Deal,” Charlie said. He brought up his phone and they exchanged info.

“Okay, I’m looking forward to it! Just one favor,” Hiro said. “Can I use your bathroom?”

“Sure,” Charlie said. And then tried his best not to imagine Hiro hailing out that big thing to pee. He wasn’t successful in the slightest, even though he was pretty sure he wasn’t into that particular kink. Just the idea of holding a hot guy’s dick.
They’d hugged awkwardly and Hiro promised to meet up later. He hurried down the stairs and outside to get over to the lab, but he was grinning the whole time. A cute guy thought he was hot! He’d been asked out!

By the time he got to the lab, he was practically whistling. So he didn’t immediately notice the dark shapes on the other side of the lab’s privacy glass, moving into position, ready to pounce…

“Surprise!” He nearly jumped out of his too-tight pants!

Of course it was the gang — Fred and Gogo and Wasabi and Honey Lemon — along with a cake.

“Happy birthday, Hiro,” Honey Lemon said, “make a wish!”

There was really only ever one wish he’d ever wished for, for five years.

“Yeah. Same wish as always, then.” He blew out the candle.

As Wasabi carefully measured out equal pieces for everyone, and Fred and Gogo squabbled over nothing serious, Honey Lemon sidled up to Hiro.

“Bet I know what you wished for,” she said quietly.


“Well, if you can’t get that wish,” she said turning the holographic candle back on, “what else would you wish for?”

“I used to always wish I’d grow up so people would treat me like an adult. Then I wished for my brother back. Didn’t really get either, huh.”

“Well, you seem to be doing okay on the growing up front,” she said.

You have no idea, he thought. But said nothing.

“Seriously, Hiro, you ARE an adult now, and you sure aren’t that scrawny kid anymore. How much do you even weigh these days?”

“I think about 95 kilograms,” he said.

And it’s all in the right places, Honey Lemon thought. But she was playing it cool, right?

“Wow, that’s a lot more than I thought. You’ve had a heck of a growth spurt.”

“I guess I really have. But I’ve been hitting the gym a lot too,” he said.

“It shows,” she said.

She’d noticed? Wait, was Honey looking at him? I mean, LOOKING at him?

“Someone I ran into said i needed to buy some new clothes,” he said, fumbling.

“Those are getting a little tight,” she said.

“But I like this shirt. And I love this hoodie. It belonged to Tadashi.”

“I miss him too,” she said. “But you should probably get one that fits better.”

“But…” he frowned. “That would mean I’ve outgrown him.”

“He still had a few centimeters on you,” she said.”in height, at least. But you’re bigger in the shoulders and chest, I think. Maybe, just maybe, it’s time to stop measuring yourself against him. You’re your own man now, but Tadashi will always be part of you.”

And then the cake was shoved into their hands and the moment passed.

Honey Lemon smiled, knowing that in Hiro’s case, the phrase had more literal meaning, thanks to her.


They’d at least finished the cake before the emergency hit.

Some crazy guy unleashed a biological terror that breathed fire and radiated heat. They’d handled it, thanks to a great bit of quick thinking and a fire suppression grenade or two. But they were all scorched and drenched with sweat when they staggered back.

“Ugh, guys, we reek,” Wasabi said. “I’m gonna shower for an hour!”

“It’s the sweet smell of victory,” Fred said gleefully.

“It smells like boy sweat,” Gogo said. Then, sniffing her own, added “…and girl sweat too. That’s on me. I’ve got the other shower.”

“Fine,” Fred groused. “I am kind of ripe, too, I guess. Heathcliff?”

The reliable family retainer appeared with a clothespin on his nose and carted Fred off to the master bath.

Hiro sniffed and frowned. “Ugh, is that ME?”

Honey Lemon was disconcertingly close. Staring at him.

“Hahah…” he laughed nervously. “Sorry, I didn’t realize—-“

“No,” Honey Lemon said softly. “Don’t go yet.” She breathed deeply and moved a little closer.

Were her pupils dilated?


“Don’t go, Hiro. There’s nothing wrong with a little sweat.”

“This isn’t a little sweat, this is a personal sauna. All I can smell is me,” he said. “Like, locker room after a workout me.”

“Did you know there are millions of biological factors that determine an individual’s scent? Soaps and shampoos and colognes and perfumes, of course. Laundry detergents. Diet. Age. General health. Specific bacteria you’ve been exposed to. And of course, genetic predispositions. But also….emotions. Like fear. Or arousal.”

She had slowly worked her way to within arm’s length.

“Honey,” he said, “I don’t… are you alright?”

“I’m good. I’m very good.”


She breathed in the scent of him….of Hiro, and a hint of Tadashi. She could feel her own biological response building. Readying herself. “Hiro—-“

“Yeah,” Hiro stammered. She was definitely coming on to him. “I’m just going to go shower now, okay?”

And he sprinted for the other washroom.

Turns out removing a flight suit while sporting a giant boner while dripping with sweat isn’t as easy as you might hope. Hiro’s underwear was soaked in sweat. He dropped it next to the sticky flight suit and stared in despair at his turgid member. Ten inches of throbbing horny power bobbed in front of him.

I’ll have to deal with you in the shower, he thought. But I gotta get scrubbed first.

Hiro had never minded getting dirty or messy or sweaty, but this was a whole new level of yuck. Maybe that thing had secreted a chemical or something? Luckily the fredericksons didn’t skimp on bath products. Or water pressure. Once he was fully lathered up, he let the water play over his sculpted body, tracing his muscular definition with some satisfaction. Charlie seemed appreciative, and he hadn’t even seen the abs. He imagined the dimpled grin the student might have picturing Charlie’s hands rather than his own.

And then when he couldn’t take much more, he grabbed his cock with one soapy hand and jerked himself, quickly shooting a prizewinning volley of spunk-shots. He’d meant to count them but after the first seven, he was too busy feeling the pleasure.

He panted for a moment, but his cock remained at full mast. And even with what was likely a couple hundred bucks worth of soap chasing his thick spunk down the drain, he realized he still smelled that scent. A little woodsy, a little sour, definitely familiar. And now with the undertone of musty bleach from his cum. He’d have To start over, he guessed. It was going to take another round to squash that stink.

This time, he took extra care on his pits and butt, and when it came to his junk, he figured he’d better make another attempt to empty his balls.

Wait, he thought. Was Honey Lemon sniffing me earlier? Was there some kind of pheromone thing happening? Was she perving on him? Did he get her juices flowing?

He remembered his mild youthful crush on her — on anyone who paid attention to him and treated him kindly, really — and then remembered he figured she was into his brother. And she’d brought Tadashi up a few times recently. What was it she’d said? Stop measuring yourself against him?

He chuckled. He was pretty sure Tadashi hadn’t had this particular issue to deal with, given what Baymax had said. He’d had a feeling his brother was at least average down there. But even if he’d been hung, it was unlikely he’d rival what Hiro had to work with.

Did Honey Lemon know? Did they ever …do it? That might explain why she was so heartbroken, and maybe why she had taken a particular interest in him lately. He wasn’t sure whether to be flattered or freaked out, but suddenly he was picturing her going down on him, or his brother, and then him. It was filthy and wrong and —-

This time he counted. An even dozen spurts. Finally his penis was sated, and he sank to the large and let the water run until the evidence disappeared.

If Honey Lemon ever said anything to him, what would he do? She was older and had more experience, but he’d never seriously thought of her that way. But her big sister energy seemed a good match for his actual big bro’s vibe. They’d have been good together.

And then a very naughty stray thought: the two of them naked, and fucking.

He stomped it down quickly before his dick could react, and ran the cold water. Thankfully it worked, and he grabbed a no-longer-oversized robe and towel. He’d need to sterilize the flight suit and soon, and the undies were probably best tossed — they were snug anyway.

But when he reached for them, they were gone.


“Heathcliff probably threw ‘em out, man,” Fred said. “They were probably pretty grody. I know he wanted to burn the stuff I was wearing. I must have sweated off a good five pounds. Need to borrow a pair?”

“I had a spare in my bag, but thanks,” Hiro replied.

“Heh, you might not fit in mine, anyway,” he said. “I think you must have lucked out, huh? Not that I’m complaining about the hand I was dealt.”

Hiro silently agreed. He was going to need something else for his endowment and he’d been pushing the limits of store bought for the last few months.

“Hey, before I forget, I’ve been meaning to ask you. Did you like, change your deodorant or something?”


“Huh, weird. I’ve been trying to figure out what it was.”

Hiro couldn’t help but ask. “Is it like, a BAD smell?”

“Not really? Kinda smells like a dude, so it’s probably one of us guys. Maybe us coming back all sweaty is the problemo— like it’s starting to seep into the furniture.”

Hiro shrugged his shirt back on but realized it was still a little snug. Did he want to show off the work he’d put in on his body or not?

Nah. Hoodie it was — he’d had enough sexually charged stuff today, time for a bit of group fun laughing at old movies with his pals.

At least, that’s how it started. The group had piled onto the massive couch mostly spread out (with Hiro on the end, just in case), but two hours into the kaiju marathon, they’d unconsciously all moved toward him. And two more hours later, when a snore startled Hiro awake, his friends were all asleep, but not where they’d been. He was snuggled into Wasabi’s side, and the large black dude was zonked out with an arm across the couch just behind Hiro’s head. Gogo was huddled against Honey Lemon’s side with her arm around a thigh, and Honey Lemon’s head was on Hiro’s thigh. Dangerously close to his…ahem. Fred was sitting on the floor, still awake but only barely. One of Hiro’s bare feet was resting on his shoulder but he didn’t appear to have noticed.

He smiled. There were few places he’d rather be, where he felt more loved, than with these people. But he had to pee, so he began carefully extracting himself from the cuddle pile. The others stirred or unconsciously adjusted to his absence — Fred’s eyes never left the screen — but he didn’t wake anyone, he thought.

He tiptoed to the powder room, still half awake, and the toilet turned on an internal light that filled the room with an eerie blue-green glow.

Even flaccid, he had a lot of meat in his hands. A good 6.5-7 inches. More than most guys could boast when hard. But for the moment, his main concern was aiming it, so he tried not to think about its heft or size or anything else. Blessed relief — and a fairly noisy stream that he didn’t register at first. Not until he squeezed out he last few drops and started to tuck himself in.


He spun around, startled, with his dick half hanging out.


“Had to pee and this was closest.” She was staring at it.

He wasn’t sure what to do, and instinctively tried to cover it with his hands.

“Huh,” she said. “I never really guessed that you were so big.”

“You… what?”

“I may not be into dick myself, but I’m not blind, Hiro. And I’ve seen stuff. And THAT,” she said, “that is a pretty premium penis.”

He tried to finish tucking himself in, but now that he knew attention was on his dick, it reacted.

“Oh, it gets bigger? That’s a nice party trick,” she said, pulling the door closed behind her.

“Gogo, I didn’t know you were there, I didn’t —“

“Kid, you have nothing to be ashamed of, clearly. That is a prize winner. I’m just telling it like it is.”

“Thanks I guess?”

“It’s funny. I figure everyone I care about knows I’m more into girls. And I hate that sad trope where the right dick might change my mind. Never gonna happen, buddy.”

“I didn’t—“

“At least that’s what I thought. But maybe they’re right. Man, I’ve been feeling a little horny all night, like there was a low level buzz of arousal, you know? And I can always tell when Honey’s all worked up. Let me tell you, she was practically dripping after our fight, and not just with sweat. And I think I know why.”

Hiro swallowed hard, backing toward the sink. His cock, however, stretched up as if preening under their attention.

“I think it’s you. I think something about you has been different for a while now, and it’s probably staring me right in the face.”

She looked down. “How do you even fit that thing anywhere? Can’t be easy even getting dressed.”

“Not while it’s like this, no,” he admitted.

“Probably need to bang one out first, don’t you?”

“I mean it usually helps a bit…”

“Well,” she breathed, “go ahead.”

“With you standing there?”

“Sure. No touching, just watching. I’m fascinated by the logistics. It’s impressive, but impractical, for humans to have such large genitals in the first place. Yours especially so.”

Hiro nervously brought his right hand forward to adjust his underwear, but found himself with his hand wrapped around the nearly fully erect beast.

“How big is it, Hiro? You must have measured it.”

He blushed. “About 25 cm long and about 16 cm around.”

“Damn,” she said. “I am almost glad you’re so huge. I’m almost tempted to see what it feels like, but there’s no way that’s going near my girl bits.”

The cock throbbed, precum oozing out rapidly.

“Or my butt, just in case you had other ideas,” she said, smirking. “But I wouldn’t mind seeing what it felt like. Is that okay?”


She gently reached her small hand out and slowly took the huge cock into her palm, feeling its weight. A small spurt of pre blooped out, making a bit of a mess.

“I get leaky too,” she said.

“You better let go,” Hiro said through gritted teeth, “or I’m gonna cum.”

“Really? Now that would be interesting. Hang on, let me get a towel.” She reached past him and grabbed the plush hand towel by the sink. Her grip was firm on his cock.


“One moment, kid. Let me just get this thing aimed. So what, you just stroke it, right?”

“Ahhh!” He shoved his other hand over his mouth as quickly as he could to stifle the sound.

“Like this?”

Three firm strokes and the sight of her dainty hand on his huge shaft was all it took.

“Whoa!” She barely got the towel in place before he unloaded, and it quickly soaked through as he let go with a torrent of boy batter. Somehow he kept quiet, his face contorted in a way Gogo would remember for a while.

Finally his cum assault petered out and he slumped a bit, wiped out.

“That was pretty impressive.” She wiped some of the jizz off her hand and wiped his cock with the driest bits of towel she could find. Then she tossed it into the basket, and calmly turned to wash her hands.

“I almost wish I was into you that way, because, well, damn,” she said. “But I’m not. So this is a one time thing, and we don’t discuss it further around anyone else, okay?”

He nodded, still trying to process what had happened.

“I like you, Hiro. And that’s a statistical anomaly you have there, so I was curious.” She narrowed her eyes and thought a moment more. “Actually, that’s ….huh.”

“Huh what?”

“I think I want to analyze something. That low level arousal I’ve had ever since the fight wasn’t just the usual adrenaline rush. I think you may be triggering something biological. But it’s not really my area. Maybe I’ll ask her about it.”

He nodded again, unsure of protocol.

“Okay, give me a few minutes, kid, and for gods sake run the fan, it smells like a bleach factory in here. In a few minutes, come out and find someplace to fall asleep like the rest of us.”

He sniffed, experimentally. The stink of his cum was strong, and there was that same scent he’d detected earlier after the shower.

When he exited a few minutes later, he smelled mostly like the Fabreeze he’d found under the sink. And Gogo was apparently already asleep, curled up next to Honey Lemon.

Phew, it had been a day, that’s for sure. He found an empty length of couch, grabbed a throw, and curled up, never noticing that Fred’s eyes had followed his every move.

Was it the insistent boner that woke him? Or was it the feel of several pairs of eyes staring?

Either way, Hiro slowly blinked the crust from his eyes, and realized that he was boned around the same time realized he was sprawled, bowlegged, on the giant couch, and that he was being watched.

“Sorry!” Wasabi said quietly, throwing a blanket over Hiro in a doomed attempt to hide his morning wood. “You looked, um, a little chilly.”

Hiro looked around the room; the others weren’t moving. Even Fred had conked out at some point.

“Uh, thanks? But I’m actually kind of hot.” It took a moments delay before Hiro realized what he’d said.

“I didn’t see anything,” the big guy said.


“It happens to all of us, huh?”

“What are you being so weird for, Wasabi?”

“Me? Weird?” He stammered. “I just figured you would prefer to cover up. That’s all.” Wasabi sat down a little further along the vast nearby side of the big couch. Just safely out of reach.

“I can’t help a little morning wood,” Hiro whispered, indignantly.

“That’s not a *little* anything,” his friend replied. “Did you want everyone to see?”

Hiro honestly wasn’t sure about that, now that he thought about it.

“You DO?”

“I didn’t say that,” Hiro replied defensively. “But it isn’t exactly a secret.”

“You got a lot bigger since we worked out together,” wasabi said.

“I kept at the workouts and ate right.”

“Must be nice.”

“Huh? Dude, you’re built, too!”

“Not where it matters,” Wasabi said.

Huh. He had never noticed because he was usually paying attention to his friend’s other attributes, but apparently Wasabi didn’t fit that old stereotype.

“It’s not that bad, just average. But compared to the rest of me,” he began.

“Don’t,” Hiro said. “You’re amazing, dude.”

“Not like it matters.”

They sat in silence for a bit, as Wasabi squirmed trying to get comfortable. Hiro knew him well enough to realize a lot of his discomfort was the disruption of the big black nerd’s routine, but also knew he’d put his friends ahead of his comfort to crash here with them.

“Hey, Wasabi,” Hiro whispered. “You ever date anyone?”

“No,” he replied. “Be real, Hiro. I’m a pile of rigid routines, phobias, and anxieties. I freak out at disorder. Who the heck would want that?”

“You’re nice, super smart, built, and oh yeah, a superhero. Don’t sell yourself short, man.”

“If you say so.”

“If you did date,” Hiro said cautiously, “is there a girl you like? Or a boy?”

“I’m not answering that,” Wasabi replied. “But imagine if I did find someone. You know how I get around dirt and fluids.”

“I can see where that might get in the way, if things got serious.”

“Yeah. Goodnight, Hiro.”

“Good morning,” Baymax said. “It is now 6 a.m. Time to rise and shine.”

Two years of practice made the actual rising easier. But to ask a guy to shine first thing? That was a step too far.

He sat upright and sure enough, under the tangled mess of the blanket Wasabi had tried to cover him up with, was the morning wood. Unrelenting, that’s what it was. He hoped he could calm it down to pee at least.

He went to the bathroom farthest from the others, intending to deal with his errant cock first thing after he emptied, and then hit the gym. Never mind that the bathroom in question was large enough to do laps in. Baymax followed him.

“I am fully recharged and ready to attend to your health needs,” Baymax said.

“Can you turn around while I go to the bathroom?”

“Certainly. Humans prefer. Privacy. When vacating their bowels and bladders.”

Hiro rolled his eyes as the robot turned to face away. “Please continue, Hiro. Think of me as deactivated and recharging as I would be at home.”

A few moments later, he was finishing up, and despite having given him a few moments of reprieve while he dealt with his other needs, the cock in question was demanding his focus.

“I have locked the door and turned on the fan to ensure privacy. Shall I engage the therapeutic protocols we employed yesterday?”

“Sure, I just need some quick relief so I can do other things.”

“Anal stimulation can bring about orgasm more quickly in some patients. However, I lack appropriate tools to assist you in that.”

“Maybe next time.”

“Noted. I shall prepare for. Next time.”


Baymax returned to Fred’s “lair” with his usual waddle.

“Hey bro. Everything okay?”

“There are numerous current events that suggest otherwise. However, my systems seem optional. I am content to have rendered assistance.”

“Everything okay with Hiro? Cuz I couldn’t help but notice he has gotten pretty buff lately.”

“Hiro has been training extensively. Eating optimally. Excluding yesterday, which was a. Cheat. Day. Limited cheat days help optimize mental health and break up monotonous routines, which encourages patients to stick to routines. Currently he is doing his morning run.”

“You sure there’s nothing else going on? Because he really filled out.”

“Beyond a carefully prepared series of standard supplements supported by research findings, scans indicate that he is simply optimally responding to his genetic potential.”

“Sure, sure. Do you know what supplements he is taking?”

“You should consult Honey Lemon. She is familiar with the protocols and has prepared them herself out of concern for impurities in over the counter options.”

“Got it. Thanks, Baymax.”

The robot trundled off. So he was right. Honey Lemon was “helping” somehow. And Baymax, and probably Hiro, assumed it was all on the up and up. But whatever she was giving the kid, it was working. Everything was just within the bounds of what you’d expect, just at the upper bounds. Well, except the kid’s oversized junk.

Fred remembered the dynamic when Tadashi was still around. He noticed Honey Lemon’s attraction to the boy almost before she did, and he was pretty sure Tadashi was hung, because of course he was. Fred had a knack for noticing stuff; he paid more attention to things than people gave him credit for. He’d been largely raised by a spy and his parents were secretly retired superheroes. And the others were big nerds lost in their own little heads.

Was that what was happening here? Was Honey Lemon just being her usual helpful self? Or was something weird going on? Maybe the kid was just lucky. But if so, damn. He knew his own 7+ was considered big — he’d had quite a few flings before his spare time was taken up with superhero stuff — but the kid had at least two inches on him.

He decided to investigate, but quietly.


“Hiro! Before you go off to class, it’s probably time to update your supplement protocol,” Homey Lemon said.

“Why? It’s working great, isn’t it?” He said innocently, unconsciously flexing.

“Sure, but I’d like to run some bloodwork in my lab, just to see where we are.”

“Can’t you just use Baymax’s scans?”

“I could, but it’s better to have multiple data points.”

“Fine, I guess. I’ll swing by after class. Granville has me covering one of those summer freshman cram classes.”

“Perfect!” Yes, it was perfect. She needed to get him alone for a bit, and the others all had various projects that would keep them out of the way for most of the day.


Of course. Of course he had to be in this class, sitting in the front row, with his dimples and his surprised grin.

“Um, hello, class, I’m Hiro Hamada, and I’m your T.A. for this summer session.”

There was a general hubbub of confusion and surprise from the other students, no doubt shocked by the fact their teacher was clearly their age. And, it must be said, kind of sexy. Only Charlie seemed unphased.

“Okay, okay, I know, I look young. And I am young. But I’ve been here a while and I kinda know what I’m doing. We will get you guys up to speed before fall session, I promise. Now, let’s see where everyone is on basic physics….”

This wasn’t his first time doing the cram course, of course. He wasn’t bad at it, it must be said. He was more patient than many, and he refused to talk down to them, having disliked being talked down to himself. And it has to be said, one way to hold a class’s attention is to be quite attractive, though Hiro hadn’t quite made that connection. He was oblivious to the way they stared at his butt when he wrote on the whiteboard, or sighed at the way the seams on his shirt struggled with his firm arms. He was just happy they paid attention.

Truth was, he kind of enjoyed teaching. He liked seeing the look the kids had when a difficult concept suddenly made sense, and he especially liked when his enthusiasm was reflected in theirs. It reminded him of how he felt when he was quite young, and Tadashi would explain stuff to him. Nostalgic, maybe. It felt nice to pass along that gift.

All too soon, class was over, and the excited cram students filtered out…except one. He had done his best to avoid making eye contact with Charlie and his dimpled face. Because he knew he would have trouble paying attention to anything else.

“Hey, sir,” Charlie said, once everyone else had gone.

“You don’t have to call me sir,” Hiro said.

“I don’t mind. I kinda like it,” Charlie said quietly. “So I guess you weren’t kidding.”

“Charlie, I—“

“I thought you were hot before, but watching you teach was…” he closed his eyes and sighed.

“Yeah, about that. I didn’t realize you’d be in my class,” Hiro said. “And because you are, well, you know what that means.”

“I can switch courses,” Charlie said.

“You really can’t. There is only one summer session physics cram class. And everyone in it needs to pass or they can’t get into class in the fall.”

“This sucks,” Charlie pouted.

“It’s just a few weeks,” Hiro replied. “Once fall hits, I’m busy with …uh other stuff. Like robotics labs. This is literally the only course I have to teach.”

“Still sucks. I really wanted that coffee,” the boy moped.

“Me too. But for now, we gotta keep things professional.”
Dammit. Just looking at Dimples made it hard to concentrate, and he had cram class twice a week until mid August. Just his luck that anyone his age that he had any interest in was unavailable.

He adjusted his junk, trying to put the cute guy out of mind, but it was a lost cause. And now he was horny again. At first it had been kind of fun to have a big dick, but now it was inconvenient and awkward. And he was overdue to go to Honey Lemon’s lab, halfway across campus. Did he have time to deal with it before he went? Not really. But parading around with a giant obvious bulge was probably more dangerous. He shot off a quick text as he went to the last stall of the nearest bathroom.

The bathroom was blessedly unoccupied, and thankfully fairly clean. He grabbed a pile of rough paper towels from the dispenser and locked the stall door. No time for finesse, he just needed to bang one out and get on with his life.

As he jerked his oversized meat, he thought of Charlie, who’d gazed at his bulge with wonder, sure, but with whom he seemed to have a real spark. He wondered if that spark would survive cram class, after which he would be free to act on it. It was going to be tough with that guy sitting there every day. He stood out even in the midst of all the other kids in the class, which seemed to be composed mostly of teen models as near as he could tell. What happened to the chubby nerds and spotty geeks? Maybe they hadn’t barely scraped by in physics.

Man what he wouldn’t give for Baymax’s help right now.


“There you are, Hiro,” Honey Lemon said, impatiently.

“Sorry, I had something important I needed to take care of after class.”

“It’s okay. Shall I?” She quickly swabbed his arm and drew some samples.

“So why do you need these? Doesn’t Baymax send you updated scans?”

“He does, but I wanted to run some actual bloodwork. Plus the last few he sent had some oddities. Elevated seratonin levels, but also spiked hormones. I wanted another set of data to compare.”

Hiro blushed, realizing that his daily scans had often been after his shower sessions — which had, for months now, been doubling as wank sessions.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you,” she said, as she fiddled with tubes and began to put them into various devices. “I think I know the answer but it may matter for the testing. Sorry if it is too blunt or personal. Are you sexually active?”

“What?” He sputtered.

“It’s not a difficult question. I assume you’re doing normal things a healthy 19-year-old does, but are you active with anyone else?”

“No!” He said, still flustered.

Good, she thought.

“Any unusual responses? Sexually, I mean?”

“What’s with the interest in my sex life?” Hiro asked, defensively.

“Think about it, Hiro. Your body has gone through a lot of changes over the last year. You are swimming in male hormones. And according to this scan, you seem to be gifted in other areas beyond your brain.”

“Why is he scanning that?”

“It’s just a body scan.”

“How long has he been sharing these with you?”

“About a year I guess. Plus you sent some baseline ones before we started the supplements, remember?” Yeah, Aunt Cass had to sign off on them, and then when he hit 18….oh.

Baymax had no reason to stop sending them to her. She was legitimately a medical caregiver from his perspective. She was advising him on his supplements.

Still, it felt a little weird to know Honey Lemon had been watching him for so long.

And then it hit him, she must know his….um. Dimensions.

He could feel the blush starting.

“Hiro, don’t be embarrassed. It’s just data. And I’d say the supplements have worked pretty well, wouldn’t you?”

Hard to disagree, really. But did that mean?”

“Oh Hiro, you’re too easy to read, you know?” She chuckled. “I just did a lot of math and figured out some optimal strategies to maximize your response to puberty hormones. If you were being coached for a sports team, you’d get similar advice. And you worked for all that brawn, didn’t you?”

All that brawn? He looked a little doubtfully, always a little more critical of his own body than was warranted. But he really had worked hard to build himself up a bit, and he was pretty pleased with the results.

“I mean, I guess so,” he said.

“You have responded very well. I think genetics and good timing are the main factor. I always thought your brother would have looked even better with a little more muscle, but you definitely have him beat on that front now.”

Almost without thinking, he flexed an arm. There was muscle there. And yeah, it was more than Tadashi had ever managed…not that his brother had worried about that sort of thing. He’d just kept fit. But something about the way she said it…

“Honey Lemon, I’ve kind of been meaning to ask you something for a while now,” he stammered.


“Did you and Tadashi… ever, you know, date?”

She didn’t reply right away. She just stopped typing for a moment or two, and then sighed and folded her fingers.

“Your brother and I… well, we danced around some mutual attraction for a few months. Didn’t want to disrupt the group harmony, you know? So we never said anything. And it was right before, well…you can understand why I haven’t said anything, right?”

“Oh,” he said.

“But, now you’re an adult,” she said. “And you’re mature enough to know. I hope you’re not mad I waited.”

“No, I understand,” Hiro said. “I kind of had a feeling. I’m glad. Did you, um…”

“Did we …what? What do you think, Hiro?” She’d turned around and taken off her glasses, and her large eyes were focused completely on him. “If you’re asking what I think you’re asking…then yes.”

He swallowed, hard. This was new information, but it was also not a huge surprise.

“I’m glad,” he said, at length. “It was so unfair he died so young. I hate to think he missed out on …that.”

“Glad I could put your mind at ease,” she replied. She studied his face, watching the questions rise and fall in his mind. “And if you’re wondering, it was good. Your brother was talented at anything he chose to put his mind to, you know.”

It made sense. Tadashi was caring and meticulous — maybe not so OCD as Wasabi, but just careful and exact. Baymax was a testament to his skill, but the *reason* his brother had made the robot? That was all about his inherent kindness. He was naturally inclined to help, and very good at picking up signals, especially in those he loved. It was kind of annoying because he was the big brother, but it was kind of comforting.

“I can’t tell you what an inspiration your brother was, to me personally. He opened me up…to possibilities and ideas I’d never had the courage to explore, just because I knew he’d take care of me if something went wrong.”

“Yeah,” Hiro sniffed,”that’d be him, alright.”

“You’re very much like him, you know,” she said, quietly. “He was a big influence on… on how you’ve turned out.”

“That’s a very nice thing to say,” Hiro said, cautiously.

“Even…physically. You have certain traits in common.”

“Well we are brothers,” Hiro said.

“We’ll, yes, but….you know, nature versus nurture. You’ve had a very different life than he had. And the choices you’ve made have shaped you, no matter how similar your genetics might be.”

“You mean, because I’ve been doing superhero stuff since I was about fourteen, I’ve spent more effort working on my body than he did?”

We’ve both put some effort into that, she thought. “Yes, you prioritized it. And now I see how you turned out, I wish he had done a little more. Turns out I like my guys a little meatier than I realized.” And hung, she added mentally.

A thought occurred, as Hiro wrestled with all of this. “Ok, this is going to sound, I don’t know, really inappropriate or something, but… well remember my dad died when I was, like, three, and….” He gathered his thoughts a bit. “Was he…above average?”

“Oh, yes, in lots of ways,” she replied breezily.

“I mean…” he gestured at his crotch.

“Oh,” she said. Weighing her response, she ultimately decided on the truth. “I’d rather not talk about that with you.”

“I understand. Sorry.”

“No, it’s fine, just…a bit awkward. But I can send you the scan I have of him.”

“Thanks,” Hiro replied.

“Not a problem,” she said, “see you later.”

As he left, she watched his pert butt, knowing that she was playing with fire here. Was it a good idea to feed Hiro’s need to measure himself against Tadashi?
By the time he dropped off class stuff to Granville and finished his errands, he’d managed to tune out the background noise of campus hotties, mostly. He’d also texted Cass about dinner, and they planned to get something by the waterfront. The sushi place she’d picked was great, and it also meant he could hit his macros. Which left him time to hit the campus gym.

The Hiro who’d shied away from phys ed was long gone. Once he’d got a little confidence with the machines and stopped feeling inadequate, he found he liked the mindless grind of his carefully planned workout, and he didn’t care where he did it. And since he had the growth spurt, he wasn’t the scrawny kid struggling with small weights anymore. If anyone was staring now, it didn’t bother him, and he knew his way around the place. He had some confidence.

He also had some admirers, though he hadn’t really clocked that yet. Not normally,at least. But people had been complimenting him or talking about his body a lot lately, and he’d been thinking a lot about parts of his body in particular. He wished Baymax were here to help, but he needed relief again. And he needed to hit the toilet.

As he sat there in the far booth of the lavatory waiting for the inevitable aftermath of cheat day to kick in, he decided to review the scan Honey Lemon had sent him. It was kind of weird, seeing his brother in layers, right down to the bone, like that. The scanner was a similar model to the one incorporated in Baymax, so it was state of the art about five or six years ago.

Huh, she wasn’t kidding. This particular scan must have been taken while they were fooling around — he had an elevated heart rate and some hormonal spikes, dilated pupils…. He continued to flip through layers until he realized something else. His brother was hard, and sure enough, there was the measurement. 21.48 cm. About 8.5 inches. Impressive, rare even, but Hiro was a lot bigger.

He really had outgrown Tadashi. By a fair amount. If Baymax was right (and he almost certainly was), he’d outgrown most of the planet. And while he knew it was dumb, and immature, he wanted that side by side comparison with his brother. Perhaps tonight, he’d run some simulations.

Meanwhile, his 25.5cm, 10-inch cock had more pressing needs.


Honey Lemon was pacing back and forth, swimming in anxiety.

Hiro was so smart, he would probably figure it out, especially with the file she’d sent. Or if he asked Baymax the right questions. Or if he ran the right simulations.

“Whatcha doooin?” Fred asked, startling her.

“Aaaah! Where did you come from?!”

“Um, that door? I did knock first.”

“Sorry, of course, my bad…”

“No sweat. You were probably in the zoooone.”

“Something like that,” she said, regaining her composure. “What’s up?”

“So hey, was I the only one picking up a weird vibe from Hiro yesterday?”

She swallowed slowly before replying, cautiously, “maybe?”

“Well first, he’s gotten so huge the past year…”

“Yes, it’s called adolescence,” she replied. “He works out, he eats right.”

“Uh huh. I do all that, and I didn’t grow almost a foot and get all buff.”

“Fred, you do precisely none of that. You live off junk food and running around in a monster suit is the only exercise you get.”

“Fair. Not strictly true, but fair. But you gotta admit, our boy grew a LOT,” he said. “Hey you don’t think he’s taking steroids, do you?”

“Of course not!” She snapped, affronted. “Just some carefully planned supplements. All completely above board.”

“You seem a little defensive about that,” he observed.

“That’s because I’m the one who set up the protocol!”

“They tinkered in god’s domain….” He said, sounding like the announcer for an old horror movie.

“They did not,” she said. “They just did a ton of sampling and a lot more math. Hiro did most of the real work himself.”

“But you helped, didn’t you?”

“Don’t pop up like you’re in some kind of Dutch angle shot,” she said. “It’s weird.”

“What did you do?”

“Fine, I’ll tell you, if only so you stop.” She sighed. “So after that whole thing with Sycorax, and Globby, and, well, all THAT, I got really invested in biochemical DNA alteration. Not the drastic and dangerous stuff those guys were doing, but more like gently nudging things along certain pathways. Speeding things up a little.”

“Oh, so you sped up Hiro’s growth spurt?”

“No. I had a … a sample or two of his brother’s DNA at his age, and I compared the two to see what was different. They’re quite genetically similar under the hood. So in really, really tiny ways, I made sure bits of Hiro’s existing DNA got expressed as he went through puberty, using Tadashi’s as a guideline.”

“Huh. Wait, could you give me my dad’s mustache?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. At best, I might be able to strongly suggest that your upper lip become hairier. But those little nudges meant he’s probably a little taller than he might have been, or more responsive to exercise. The rest is just the sort of nutritional advice and standard supplements that any pro athlete would have access to.”

“So no pill to get buff?”

“Sorry, no.”

“What about his huge bait and tackle?”

She reddened. “His…what?”

“How could you not notice? That kid is hung like a horse!”

“Please, keep your voice down!” She growled back. “That just kind of runs in the family, but when you’re already maximizing pubescent growth hormones through nutrition, it might theoretically pick up some extra growth.” It was more than theory, it was half the point — but Fred didn’t need to know her motives.

“Huh. Some guys get all the luck,” he groused.

“Unless you suddenly go through another puberty, I don’t think it would be too effective to try a similar protocol, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“Nah, I’m good. It’s not like I need the confidence, but, you know, I kept thinking of Issue 74 of Science Team Adventures, where the protagonist takes the super-soldier serum and it makes him all evil and crazy – that was pre Comics Code, you know?” He shuddered. “Lets just say it was the end of Golden Age Science Kid as we knew him.”

“I’ll take that as read,” Honey Lemon said. “Seriously, we’ve had plenty of our own weird science adventures, I get it.”

“Cool. Just checking.” Fred said.

Honey Lemon narrowed her eyes. Hopefully Fred wouldn’t say anything, she’d blurted out a lot without thinking. It’s not like the rest of them hadn’t noticed, or wouldn’t notice Hiro’s changes – they’d all commented on it over time, but there was a sense of plausibility to what had happened.

But it was kind of pushing the limits, and there had been a ramping up of late. It was like Hiro’s sexiness had been quietly compiling in the background and was now almost at max. People were going to notice.

She couldn’t let go, not yet. Not until she’d had her chance. And if she was denied for too long, she knew she’d be unable to resist tinkering further. That wasn’t fair to Hiro.

She would need to make her move, and soon.


Whew. That was a lot of spunk, even for him lately. But weirdly, he felt refreshed and alive – and ready to work out.

He went at it hard, hoping to channel some of it into the workout. This particular gym had a magnetic resistance system, and he typically didn’t worry about numbers – he just entered his profile and let the thing auto-adjust. But after three difficult sets, his tracking app informed him he’d hit another personal best. Usually he didn’t bother looking more deeply, but today he did – and he was shocked. He’d been benching a little over 140 kg for three sets of twelve. That was 300+ pounds. He looked at himself in the mirror, and he had a really nice pump going on.

Hiro was pretty aware of his own competitive streak; it had become a problem back in the days of bot-fighting. He was good at sizing up competitors and intuiting their weaknesses. And he was, he realized, prone to cockiness. (And lately that was becoming far more literal.)

But today was one of those days where he was hitting all the major groups anyway. How far could he push it?

As he moved from one workstation to the next, he found he was either nearing or exceeding his previous personal bests for all of them. He was, as the gym bunnies said, in beast mode. And he felt more and more beastly as the session went on. He’d soaked through his clothing and two sweat towels already, and he wasn’t finished. But he became aware that he’d drawn a lot of eyes as he went. He was conscientious and wiped down after he used a station, but almost immediately they’d filled up with the next guy or girl.

A good hour into this he realized he’d left his water bottle at the prior stations, and when he went back to grab it, he noticed that the guy who slid into after him on the leg press had stopped and was staring at him, and….were his pupils dilated? The guy just stopped and stared at him when he got near. Hiro, not sure what to do, mumbled “left my bottle” and grabbed it. He was pretty sure the guy – a lanky guy who probably did basketball based on height – sniffed at him as he grabbed the bottle. By the time he was twenty feet away, the guy was back to pushing weight around and his momentary worry was assuaged.

He wrestled with the adolescent fear of body odor briefly, but remembered both Gogo and Honey Lemon having said something about how he smelled. They didn’t seem to mind it, but they also acted a little weird. Was it some pheromone thing?. He could smell it himself, at this point, an hour into an epic workout. It reminded him oddly of his brother. Maybe it was genetic, or maybe it was just that his family used a particular detergent. He’d have to look into it.

Something was definitely up with his body, though. Objectively, he had put on another 30 pounds of beef since New Year, and even with all the nutritional and supplemental help, that was a fair amount for someone not actively trying to bulk up. He’d just been diligently plugging away and doing his routines, to the point where he was doing most of it on autopilot. Sometimes he was able to zone out for a couple hours, and think about literally nothing else but what he was actively doing. That was rare for a mind as big as his; usually he’d be thinking his way past other problems in his design work or mentally tinkering with superhero gear while he lifted and ran and rowed.

And Honey Lemon had been almost as weird in her own way as Gogo had been.
Over the next week, Hiro’s workouts continued to level up (within reasonable bounds), and he’d put on another kilogram or two. It was pretty satisfying. Big Hero Six had also been busy, but it was quantity rather than difficulty. It just ate time without being all that interesting. No escaped experiments or mad scientists. Just muggers, joyriders, nuisance crimes. Baymax barely had to throw his weight around. But even in their mundane lives, things had pulled the team in different directions once the costumes were off, and there hadn’t been any boss-level monsters or, well, bosses to contend with.

But even outside of “hero time”, he found himself busy as hell, and only discipline and the convenience of the campus gym ensured he didn’t miss any workouts. The cafe had been busy, too, with an upcoming upgrade to the display case and register; they’d been boxing up and transferring stuff around for days, so that the contractors could turn things around over two weekdays rather than taking a week.

The class he taught was more demanding, and he had to almost physically aim his face away from the adorable Charlie Dimples in the front row. The other 20 or so students were picking things up decently, but they had a lot of questions and his time was very much in demand. Plus Granville had told him she expected every student in his class to pass it, and some of them really needed help. Luckily, Charlie wasn’t one of the kids having actual issues with the material, so Hiro didn’t have to worry about being tempted during office hours. Instead, he found himself getting hard around 1130 every day and needing to bang one out in the bathroom.

Hiro was using Baymax for relief every morning and evening, and usually getting off at least one other time at work. The robot had mentioned “other techniques” a few times but Hiro wasn’t sure he wanted that, at least not from Baymax. Still, his stamina and libido were basically at war and some days it took way too long to bust a nut.

He was getting SOME control over himself, but not quite as much as he’d like. His libido was a distraction and he was pretty sure he was borderline for hyperspermia — which Baymax confirmed as a preliminary diagnosis after a few days of measurements. Apparently a teaspoon’s worth of semen was typical for each orgasm, and he was typically at least double that, even on his fourth session in a day. Still , even at that, it wasn’t an unbelievable situation. He was, frankly, in prime condition and 19 years old, either one of which could explain his apparent virility.

And yet….that nagging feeling wouldn’t go away. That feeling something weird was going on with him, even though he felt great.

And then there was that nagging scent, the one that reminded him of his brother. He could detect it even after a shower and deodorant, and he was sure people in the gym, at very least, noticed it. Nobody had complained, and it wasn’t exactly an unpleasant odor, but that only bothered him more. Even he wasn’t immune, and he’d occasionally sniffed his own pits — innocently enough to check whether he was stinky, at first, and then deliberately because he found the scent intriguing.


Charlie had it bad. He was hot for teacher, as the old song his grandparents played would say. Hiro was built, sexy, smart, funny. And he had a way of making boring physics basics …well, if not exactly fun, then at least understandable.

Charlie wasn’t the only one who liked Hiro as a teacher — half the class was harboring secret crushes. But they also paid attention and wanted him to acknowledge them.

Every day, he had to stare at Hiro’s backside while he wrote on the board or wandered the room. But the rear wasn’t nearly as distracting as the front. And he wasn’t the only only who’d noticed Hiro’s bulge, if the whispers pre- and post-class were to be believed.

But Charlie had actually *touched* it. Or at least felt it through pants. And he knew it was, objectively, damned big. And now, he wasn’t allowed to until this class was done.

And so he had a secondary goal, and some very enjoyable homework. He’d been too scared to have stuff shipped, but he lived in San Fransokyo, and there were plenty of places he could get the stuff he needed. Once he had talked himself into the idea, he quickly sourced a few items from a sex shop and got some helpful advice from the clerk. And he set about training himself so that when Hiro was finally back on the menu, he’d be ready.

The five-inch starter was daunting at first, but he got the hang of it pretty quickly. Lots of practice. And he had good lube and some poppers and youth on his side. He was determined. And because he didn’t want to disappoint his target, he also busted his butt on the material — turned out the motivation was what made the difference. His reward for making it through each days reading and homework was a session with #5. Next week, he’d be trading up to the 7. It was guesswork after that, but his eye suggested a girth nine, at least. The guy at the sex shop had laughed a little as he worked his way up the line of dildos, comparing his hand’s grip to the dongs, but that turned to envy when Charlie confessed that the 9-inch might not be big enough for his ultimate goal.


“Whew! A little whiffy in here, buddy,” Cass said as she entered Hiro’s room. Ordinarily she gave the boys their space, so long as their mess didn’t intrude on the rest of the house. Now that it was just Hiro, and he was an adult, she avoided it entirely — unless she was doing laundry and he hadn’t brought his stuff down like she’d asked.

Sure enough, the laundry basket was sitting by the bathroom, and the pile of clothes was mostly in it. She grabbed a stray shirt peeking out from under the bed, and found it was damp and sticky. “Ewww,” she said, realizing what it must be. “Honestly, boys are gross.”

The smell was concentrated in his bed itself, and she debated pulling the sheets as well, but they could wait. It wasn’t so much a bad smell, but very much the smell of youth and testosterone. Hiro’s gym clothes were ripe. And the underwear was….

She found herself kind of staring at the pair of briefs, which clearly needed to be replaced. The pouch was all stretched out and the elastic was shot. My goodness, how blessed was her nephew? She’d been trying (with little success) to ignore his very obvious bulge for months, but damn. The kid had to be packing.

“Hello. Cass. Do you require assistance?” Baymax had appeared while she was daydreaming.

“Just grabbing laundry,” she said.

“You appear to be distracted,” the robot replied. “Scanning. Scan complete. You appear to be experiencing arousal. It is likely this is due to the pheromones present in Hiro’s clothing and bedding. He produces an excessive amount of axillary scent due to his high virility and fitness level, and is frequently aroused.”

“Ooookay, thanks for the information.”

“You are likely concerned that the source of your arousal is a blood relative. This is unfortunate due to various cultural taboos, and it would be unwise to attempt to act on it, but the arousal itself is a natural response to the presence of a virile male. Also, I have noted that Hiro’s odor seems to have a higher concentration of pheromones than most, and that others tend to react to his scent, even if they do not realize it.”

“Please, Baymax, I …” she swallowed, and dropped the briefs into the laundry basket. “Don’t mention this to anyone. Especially not Hiro. Or even me. It’s awkward and inappropriate.”

“I understand. However, your health is also important. Regularly achieving sexual release can improve your overall health. However, it has been some time since your last attempt to secure a mate.”

“Don’t remind me.”

“If you wish, I can assist you. I am programmed with multiple techniques for this purpose.”

She looked at his comically balloon like appendages. “I appreciate the thought, Baymax, but I think I will manage once I’m not wallowing in teenage boy stink.”

“I will refrain from mentioning this to Hiro, and to you, later.” the robot said. “However, if you are concerned about my ability to aid you, Hiro instructed me to obtain any equipment needed to fulfill my functions.”

Baymax indicated a large plastic tub. Several unmarked boxes were stacked next to it.

“Is that all sex toys?”

“I was. Uncertain. About the preferences of my patients. I chose a . Representative. Selection.”

Cass pointedly did not ask any further questions. She instead made for the exit.


Gogo was annoyed.

And it was Hiro’s fault, because he went and turned into a big dicked hunk.

She thought she was pretty solidly set in her sexuality, but apparently having access to a big healthy boy toy was enough to nudge her one peg over in the Kinsey scale. It was almost fascinating, if it weren’t happening to her.

Anyway, it was distracting. The smell of it, the feel of it in her hand, kept coming to mind. Not to mention that feeling of power she felt when she brought him off. She’d spent more than a few nights playing with her toys and regretting her status as a single gal. Normally a buzzing egg was enough to keep her happy, but now?

Was it Hiro she wanted? Or just his dick? And did she want to play with it, or own it?

She’d even gone in search of a proper wand — maybe something a little closer in size to the only real dick she’d handled. Some cute dimpled college boy was there talking to the clerk, nervously asking about how to prep for a whopper. Gogo eavesdropped shamelessly. After he left, she realized she was horny just thinking about that lanky little twink taking an enormous cock. And then she ended up buying a dildo. 8 inches and girthy, and frighteningly realistic. Better yet, it was compatible with a strap-on belt. That way she could sort out what she really wanted it for.

She’d never really wanted one that actually looked human. Most of the more abstract models were closer to six inches. But the clerk assured her this would do the trick. Most actual guys were nowhere near that big in real life.

Thank goodness.
Another week of low-key superheroics, nothing special. San Fransokyo had been experiencing relative calm, though of course there was always some nonsense going on. Just a lot less of it required BH6. Which was kind of nice, because all the members of the team had stuff of their own to manage.

Gogo had suffered a frustrating setback on one of her projects and had been cranky for days. Honey Lemon had some major dissertation work to finalize and had been, she claimed, using the usual superheroics patrol time to really work on that. Wasabi had been waylaid with a summer cold, and he’d spent much of the week in bed, once the others forced him to go home and rest. And Hiro was a very busy TA, on top of his own projects. His class was demanding and he was wrangling his apparently unflaggable libido in between class and office hours and his other research.

Fred had picked up the slack, soloing patrol time two nights running. The slow period didn’t bother him, and him being seen meant the city was assured their home grown heroes were still around even when there were no science explosions or kaiju attacks.

But all was not as quiet as it seemed, for Hiro.

Charlie had been growing more blatant about his interest, if still professional. But he wasn’t alone. Of the 22 people in his class, nearly half of them were finding reasons to arrive early and stay late. And despite extending his office time, he found it was packed with students to the point where Granville asked him if he was giving away candy or something. He had, in short, become one very popular guy. And it wasn’t just among his class, it was an issue at the gym, too. It was even more sexually charged there, though, as it was filled with testosterone and boy-stink. He was increasingly aware of eyes being on him as he went through his usual paces, and especially afterward in the showers. It had been flattering at first but it was turning a little creepy.

At least he was able to channel his mental exhaustion and his frustrations into pushing and pulling heavy things around the gym. He was slowly upping his lifts, and looking very swole in his compression gear. It was actually tougher to stay limber than it was to bench for reps, but he worked at it relentlessly. He didn’t want to get too musclebound.

But the libido issue had been a constant and growing challenge. He was getting relief regularly from Baymax, or on his own between other obligations, but four times a day just wasn’t enough sometimes. It didn’t help that the campus was teeming with cute, fit, students, nor that many of them were ogling him openly. He had considered approaching Honey Lemon again, but something seemed off with her lately and the timing hadn’t worked out anyway. His own searches suggested it might be as simple as the fact he was a very fit and healthy 19-year-old. You’re apparently supposed to be horny a lot.

Baymax, as was often the case, was equal parts helpful and embarrassing in his efforts to help. Cass had awkwardly said she would no longer be doing his laundry for him, saying only that Hiro might want to upgrade Baymax’s tact routines, and that she would only venture to the top floor in an emergency. When he’d found the large plastic tote bin full of sex toys, and the robot patiently awaiting his return, he realized what had happened. And then, curious, he’d begun experimenting. Baymax was curiously well informed, having extensively researched this health issue for his patient.

“Use. Caution. When inserting this. Probe. Into your rectum,” Baymax said. “Available literature suggests that you begin with a smaller size and that you use more lube than may seem necessary.”

“Yeah…listen Baymax. People get uncomfortable talking about sex stuff. Even here, now, it’s kind of taboo to discuss so openly. Especially about someone else’s preferences or interests, or with someone who doesn’t have a sexual relationship with that person.”

“I see. I will avoid discussion of sexual matters involving Hiro with anyone else. Please note that, should a matter threaten your health, that would override this directive.”

“Noted,” Hiro smiled. “Now, let’s turn on some music or something so we don’t bother my aunt, okay?”


Downstairs, Cass tried to ignore the moaning from upstairs. She would pretend the noisy action flick covered them up, and she appreciated the attempt at discretion, but damn. She tried not to think about what caused those particular gasps and keening sounds. And she hoped to hell the neighbors didn’t hear it. Mrs Cho next door was a grumpy old bag, but even she liked Hiro lately. And her high school aged granddaughter and her friends had become regulars, hoping to catch her hunky nephew coming and going. Not bad for business.

More worrying to her, however, was the fact that she had already been through menopause but she had felt friskier recently than she had in years. Ever since she’d stumbled upon Hiro’s reeking laundry, something primal seemed to be insinuating itself into her. She’d been downright flirty with some of the mature and good looking customers in a way she ordinarily disdained. She had definitely had some thoughts about the guys who did the remodel downstairs, and if it weren’t for the fact that the team was probably gay anyway, she’d probably have ended up going for it. The cafe was nearly ready to reopen but the gaggle of appreciative girls (and boys) still managed to be nearby when Hiro left in the mornings. There was a vibe.

She had a lot of maternal and protective feelings about Hiro, but he was clearly not a kid anymore, and it seemed everyone had picked up on that fact. And while her instincts were mostly focused on keeping him from doing something he might regret, she had also had a few intrusive dreams about a mystery man who looked and smelled a lot like her hunky nephew that left her ashamed…and aroused, upon waking. Sigh.

She might have to see if Baymax had, in his box of goodies, something that would help her burn off some of the sexual energy that seemed to be spilling out from Hiro’s den upstairs, before things got worse.


Honey Lemon knew she’d messed up. She just didn’t know what she was going to do about it.

She’d realized her mistake after talking with Fred…and Gogo….and Wasabi. They weren’t stupid, even when they were in their own little worlds.

She’d gone a little too far in pushing Hiro’s development in a particular direction, and now he was becoming a walking sex bomb. She’d been ready to pounce for days, and then she’d felt so weird about it when she realized it, that she’d been avoiding Hiro for a few days. That couldn’t have helped matters, and he had to have noticed by now that something was up.

The data from dear dutiful, helpful, Baymax confirmed it, though the robot lacked the understanding and imagination to really grasp it. He’d noted spiking hormone levels, high pheromone count, all of that stuff, but all of those things mere,y told him Hiro was healthy. He had not connected those things with the behavior of, well, just about everyone Hiro was in contact with. It was one thing when Hiro was fighting crime with them and showing up at school only when he had to, but now he was teaching another class and that meant a lot more time on campus. In public.

The latest scans and tests confirmed it. Somehow, while trying to recapture Tadashi’s scent for herself, and help Hiro reach his potential, she’d triggered an almost unbelievable outcome. He was saturated in pheromones, and his increased physical activity (and frequent sexual release) had only ramped them up. The more he worked out, the more his body produced, and it lingered. Thank goodness the boy had decent personal hygiene, but that may have made it worse — because for all his natural scent screamed “healthy male ready for mating”, it was tempered by shampoo and soap scents that she had recommended. He just smelled fresh and clean, a little spicy and a little herb-y…and with an unmistakable Hiro undertone. But when he was physical, the deodorant and shampoo smells were lost to that healthy, ready scent.

Combine that with his looks and personality, his whopping big intellect and his innocent decency, and it was approaching dangerous levels.

And on top of that, he had one hell of a dick. His libido had to be getting pretty tough to manage.
Not seeing as much interest as I’m used to here for this story. Am I missing the mark? Most of my stuff winds up on metabods, and gets a lot more views, but for understandable reasons there is healthy concern about aged-up versions of mouse characters being involved. I’ll probably finish off what I have written, regardless, or maybe cross post to AOO.
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I really like this, and I’m glad you’re back posting here. There’s even more depth to these characters than I’ve seen in your other stories, and there’s good depth in those, also. I’d like the pacing, and I keep wondering what will happen next.

Writing a serial must be difficult, versus a novella. I wonder how much Dickens paid attention to the word on the street when he was writing his.

What do you mean by “aged up versions of mouse characters“? Although this story references puberty, it doesn’t involve underage characters. I’m not familiar with AOO and I haven’t stopped by metabods in a very long time. Do you have a Patreon page?

I have all of your stories, that I’m aware of, on “watch”. Some of the ones with dark endings creeped me out, but that’s part of the ride.
“Archive of our own” is a fanfic site. I was thinking this particular story might fit well there. Metabods is one of my favorite sites, and the stories posted there get a lot more views than here (like typically 3-5 times as many). The guy that runs it has been very kind in our interactions, too. But anytime you riff on Disney, it’s a bit riskier and even though the characters are explicitly older, it’s still playing with someone else’s toys and I understand why he’d hesitate to host this one. I just really like the dynamic of those BH6 characters, and it’s fun to write for them.

Mostly this whole naughty story thing started as a way to let off steam, and I was surprised to find that I had an audience. I do enjoy the feedback, even if it’s not always all positive. Writing to the audience is as much a goal as writing smut I enjoy, but the level of effort involved means, barring other circumstances, I put the effort where people seem to be vibing more.

Glad folks are liking it.