Big Hiro 10

“Okay guys, I think you’ve got the concepts down, and I need to get out of here soon. The test is in two days so you’re on your own for the rest of it. Study together or something.”

“Aww, teach,” whined one of the girls, who’d somehow managed to dress more provocatively than the others (though it had been an arms race of short skirts and tight shirts across the board for the last few days, boys and girls alike). Her impressive rack was pushing the limits of her shirt, as she leaned back and stretched her arms. Her boyfriend, Esteban, was just as bad, with his swimmer build and long arms.

“I gotta go,” he said. “As of Monday, the test is all that’s left, and Granville is grading that. It’s too late to suck up to me, I’ve done my part. Besides, you got this.”

He shooed them out, but he also meant it. He’d never seen a class so attentive. Like, every one of them hung on his every word. A few were blatantly staring at him in a suggestive manner, but they also seemed to be absorbing the material.

Even Charlie Dimples, as he still thought of him, had markedly improved. his grasp of the material was much stronger now. But his thinly veiled comments were risky.

Just today as he left class, Charlie had stopped him. “Hey teach, I just want you to know that I have worked very hard to be ready for the more advanced material we discussed.”

“Oh?” And then a second later, Hiro realized what he meant. “Oh.”

“Yup. Lots of practice. I want to make sure I can handle your material.”

Fuck. That boy was going to be the death of him. Or at least his academic career!

“Um…well, that’s very proactive of you, Charlie. But the advanced stuff we chatted about absolutely has to wait until the exams are complete.”

“I know, university policy. But I wanted to make sure you knew I was taking this seriously. I know you have a lot to show me, so I want to be ready for you. Just one question: on a scale of one to ten, how difficult is that material?”

“Definitely at least a nine,” Hiro had replied.

“Wow. And I was just getting comfortable with eight. Guess it’s back to those practical exercises for me.”

And the sexy little bastard had turned around and left, gifting Hiro with the sight of his shapely bottom as he walked out the door.

That meant Hiro was faced with yet another unrelenting erection.

And that meant he was, without realizing, kicking out a cloud of pheromones that people reacted to, also without realizing it. He was so focused on getting back to his lab, and the more or less private bathroom there, he didn’t noticed that people were pulled along in his wake. Worse, that crowd of his students was dragged along, and were waiting for him when he stepped out of the loo and back into his office.

He’d entertained maybe forty minutes of questions before shooing them out. By then, he could have seduced them all at once, if he really wanted to, but of course he hadn’t yet realized it. And so he’d packed up and hopped back on the bus as soon as he could. He’d promised to help Cass put the finishing touches on the cafe tonight and hopefully soft open in the morning. And after that, he’d have time to himself. Or at least time for some heroics with Big Hero 6. And hopefully, Charlie Dimples.

That was the plan, at least. But the bus was crowded and traffic was bad, and it seemed like everyone managed to brush past him. Near constant physical contact, and the warmth of the crowd, meant he broke a light sweat quickly. And that’s all it took to tip things over the edge.

He realized the short middle aged woman pressed against him was suddenly leaning into him, breathing deeply. The gangly teen next him was way too close to his pit, thanks to Hiro’s beefy arm raised to hold the strap. The kid seemed almost high. And when the bus brakes suddenly kicked on, a burly dock worker tumbled into his back — and Hiro felt the man’s stumpy erection against his thigh. The man didn’t move when the bus jerked into motion again.

Shit, this was bad. Hiro felt his own inches unfurl as his prodigious member rose to the occasion. Thank goodness he’d pulled his pack off his shoulder to avoid banging into anyone, because he was able to position it to hide his boner.

Consequently as his stop approached, he was growing increasingly frantic.

“Excuse me, I need to get off,” Hiro said assertively.

Around him, the looks of heavy lidded arousal suggested he wasn’t the only one who needed to get off. But somehow he managed to gently push and scoot his way through and hopped off the crowded bus. As it pulled away, he saw the crowd shake off the lusty haze a bit, even as they looked longingly at him.

“Okay, that was weird,” he said. “I have GOT to get a scooter or something.”


“Cass?” Hiro asked, stepping around the team of workers unloading the truck they’d stored most of the cafe furniture in during the remodel. The fresh supplies had come in yesterday, and Cass had the weekend to finish putting things away and prep for Monday’s morning rush.

“She’s upstairs,” said one of the workers. Hiro thanked him and jogged up the stairs, never noticing that the crew had almost universally stalled to watch him.

“I’ll be ready in a bit, I just needed a quick, um, nap,” Cass shouted through her bedroom door.

“Cool, I’m going to crash upstairs for a bit before dinner,” Hiro replied. He fully intended to, yet his relentless dick had other plans. Baymax wasn’t around, but the toybox was, so Hiro quickly stripped — a sniff told him he was pretty ripe after the long day — and he grabbed a few toys and ran the water in the shower. Out of habit, he checked himself in the mirror.

He almost didn’t recognize the hunk he saw there. But the annoyingly unmanageable hair and the gap in his front teeth confirmed it was actually him. He just hadn’t quite wrapped his brain around how drastically his body had been upgraded. It was different, almost clinical, in the gym, where he mostly looked for symmetry and tracked progress. But this was a stud in the mirror at his house.

He looked fondly down at his monster dick, which hadn’t flagged since the bus, and chuckled. “Well, buddy, let’s get you taken care of first.”

In the shower, the oversized flesh light and curved anal probe were quickly put through their paces. His cock was an increasingly tight fit in the tube, which somehow failed to summon the requisite levels of worry after the last few hours of wanton need. He simply hammered away as his turgid pole seemed poised to break the thing, but as nice as it felt, he knew he’d need to trigger a proper orgasm from the other end if he wanted to really clean out the pipes. This particular toy was no frills, a curved silicon-covered buzzing hook with a bulbous end, which he knew would hit his prostate just about right if he —-

Ah. That was the spot, and his increasingly appreciative ass clenched hard, while his dick spewed a monstrous load of thick sauce that hit the ceiling. Five, six, eight, ten blasts of cum, and his bucking cock seemed ready to relent, only to rally and fire off five more. He braced himself against the wall, panting, only to realize he still wasn’t done.


“Honey Lemon. I have grown. Concerned. With the course of treatment Hiro is currently undergoing.”

Shit. Now, even Baymax had figured it out. Or had he? Nothing was certain yet.

“I have noticed your recent. Disengagement. From activities involving. Hiro.” Baymax said. “I believe you fear you may have inadvertently caused harm.”

“I’ve just been busy,” she said, but even she wasn’t buying it. “What is your concern?”

“While your intent was to assist Hiro in achieving his health goals, it appears that his. Libido. Is out of control. This has caused considerable awkwardness, in addition to the usual issues of late puberty. Upon reviewing the current scans and lab work,” Baymax continued (she’d forgotten to cancel the robots access!), “I believe that your recommended combination of supplements has extended his pubescent period beyond normal parameters.”

“That seems likely,” Honey replied. “But then, he got a bit of a late start.”

“I have noted the Increased libido, as well as several other secondary sexual characteristics. It has been challenging to keep up with the needs of Hiro’s body. I fear he may require more assistance than I can provide. I am just a robot. Hiro should engage with human contact for optimum results. I have noticed that Hiro’s body is considered attractive and his pheromonal output is considerable. Has this escaped your notice?”

“No, I have noticed.”

“Hiro is an ideal sexual partner despite his inexperience. However, he has limited opportunities to bond well with potential mates. It would be more. Convenient. For him to partner with someone already in his social circle. It would likely be more satisfying for both partners.”


“Yes. However, Hiro has not expressed interest in anyone specific. In addition, I fear his. Virility. May cause problems such as unwanted pregnancy. Unless of course Hiro is more interested in male partners.”

And that’s when the real magnitude of her meddling kicked in.

Hiro might be gay. Or at least bi. She might have tinkered enough to confuse him further, if he was questioning. But her tinkering had made him increasingly irresistible to women.

“However,” Baymax continued, “it appears that Hiro while attracts both male and female interest, he has not expressed a preference.”

“I hadn’t realized,” Honey Lemon said quietly.

“I further believe that Hiro no longer needs the supplemental regimen you prescribed. He appears to have reached his potential physically, and they are no longer necessary for him to achieve his physical goals. I am consulting with you to determine next steps.”

She took a measured breath. “Baymax, I concur. This protocol is done.”

“Acknowledged. What do you think we should do to assist with the other issue? I have unlocked several therapeutic techniques and have employed them to help Hiro manage his. Sexual needs. However, literature recommends real intimacy for proper mental health.”

Wait, was he asking her to help him deal with Hiro’s needs?

“It would be. Convenient. If Hiro were to partner with a friend. Karmi would have been a satisfactory option due to age, comparable intellect and interests, and shared experience. However, she is not an option. Therefore, it may be worth exploring possible choices among his cadre of friends and acquaintances.”

She paused, and then asked, “did you have anyone in particular in mind?”

“I do not. Each of the members of Big Hero Six has appeal. Hiro has not expressed any specific interest in any of you, but it would be statistically. Likely. For him to find at least one of you to his developing tastes.”

She nodded.

“It is likely that the. Age gap. Between Hiro and the other members of the team is a factor as well. However, Hiro is legally an adult and shoulders considerable adult responsibility. His level of maturity should be sufficient to enter a relationship, provided good communication between partners and the team is maintained.”

“..l see,” Honey Lemon said.

“Have you considered yourself as a potential partner?”

Boy, had she.

“I’d rather not talk more about this right now, Baymax.”

“Very well. Please note that Hiro has instructed me to be mindful of. Social expectations. When it comes to matters of sex and love. I am bringing this topic to you in your capacity as a caregiver.”

“I understand.”

“I have not raised this issue with Cass at Hiro’s request.”

“That’s probably for the best.”

Seemingly satisfied, the robot turned to leave. “Very well. I look forward to sharing progress with you as a colleague.”

“Thanks,” she said.

So now what? Wait, Gogo. Gogo didn’t like boys so much, she might have a clearer head about this!
It absolutely cannot be Honey Lemon if she wants to continue having anything at all to do with Hiro. If she tries, he'll absolutely figure out what she's been up to and that will end well for precisely nobody.

Maybe CD will be a good option once they're no longer instructor and pupil? 🤔
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It absolutely cannot be Honey Lemon if she wants to continue having anything at all to do with Hiro. If she tries, he'll absolutely figure out what she's been up to and that will end well for precisely nobody.

Maybe CD will be a good option once they're no longer instructor and pupil? 🤔
Charlie certainly seems determined to have a go, doesn’t he? I’ve written a little in advance but no spoilers. I’m kind of along for the ride, too — so I look forward to seeing how it all plays out.

I’m trying to be fairly true to the characters, and I think Honey Lemon is struggling with balancing her desire to be helpful and her own, hidden desires. I kind of started with the idea that everyone was crushing on Tadashi, and how that might play out with these folks in a more adult environment. HL seemed the obvious choice to catalyze things, and was the most likely to get down with Tadashi due to her tendency to go out of her way to please people (plus she had the right science background). Baymax would help however he could and Tadashi would have been pretty thorough in prepping Baymax for various situations, but may not have thought through the repercussions. The robot wasn’t quite finished, after all. Gogo isn’t super sentimental but she is curious (and there’s no way she isn’t coded as a lesbian). Wasabi is too bound by anxiety to take action, and Fred sees things from a very specific perspective but he isn’t stupid.

Things are definitely building up to reveals, though.