Big white cocks

Don't feel bad, I've fallen for it too many times myself. Just imagine how many extra hits that thing's site has gotten because of traffic here. :mad:

BTW- It's currently that "myssy" thing above me. :wink:

Yeah, I noticed that and other multiple "user" posting patterns. The bot seems to post down the line in the threads.
a big white cock is a big white cock. how is a solo gay or straight??? don't be a hater!!

Don't be a hater? Really? If you had quoted him entirely it would have read, "wrong thread cheech, dis heres da straight section. However i will give props to that first video, hes a beast."

He acknowledged and complemented the dude's cock. I don't think that's "hating" anything.
Oh, then every video labelled amateur must be amateur as well :rolleyes:

Solo dick is NOT gay

I get ticked off as much as anyone when people try to force off topic stuff into a thread. There are also a few threads where some particular members keep posting gay stuff where it isn't desired by the thread purpose.

All that said, Tiny is right. Solo isn't gay and the posts were on topic.