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People may argue that tattooing their entire body is artwork but I would suggest that they probably don't love their body in the first place to want to radically change it like such i.e. tattoo from collarbone on downwards and every square inch.

You have to wonder: Is it really about art, or are people covering up because they have body acceptance issues. I think the latter is very plausible for many heavily tattooed.

Self-acceptance of body is a real struggle for so many men and women.
Y'all are so judgemental! How do tattoos relate to mental illnesses?! This kind of talk is exactly why we need more education about mental illness. You say 'self accpetence of body is a real struggle' implying he has body dismorphia and yet how many anorexic people do you see head to toe in tattoos?! I know loads of hugely body comfortable people with tattoos all over and a good few with jenuine body dismorphia that would never ever get a tattoo because it would bring more attention to an aspect of themselves that they are not confident with.

Y'all need to go back to school! Pft!
How do his tattoos speek of a larger mental issue?! Judgemental much? Pft!
Asked and answered above.
Y'all are so judgemental! How do tattoos relate to mental illnesses?! This kind of talk is exactly why we need more education about mental illness. You say 'self accpetence of body is a real struggle' implying he has body dismorphia and yet how many anorexic people do you see head to toe in tattoos?! I know loads of hugely body comfortable people with tattoos all over and a good few with jenuine body dismorphia that would never ever get a tattoo because it would bring more attention to an aspect of themselves that they are not confident with.
One has nothing to do with the other. There are many different mental illnesses and responses to them. This is more along the lines of self-mutilation than anorexia nervosa.