Black is beautiful.....

it's bobby blake and bam... who made scenes together by the late 90's or early 00's
bam has continued porn thereafter and has shifted to straight stuffs... under the name of mr biggz...
as love2compare has exclaimed... bam appears bigger than bobby... because... if he hasn't necessarily got a thickness as prononced as bobby's cock one... he has well more length...
so... the two cocks may have two rather close volumes... with some advantage to bam because of the length...
also... the bam's cock head is bigger relatively to his own cock... which could make it even more impressive...
but I'm not sure that it is necessarily more massive than bobby's knob...
this is a case where the longer cock may appear bigger... even if it has a little less girth...
I found 6 more photos of them... taken from a gay review called blackinches...
4 photos of them alone, soft then hard... and 2 where they are together... for the love2compare's pleasure... lol...


in the op, littledicky has posted a freakzilla diego's pic... where he sits with his legs spread and flexed... on the ground for the right... upward for the left... with his left arm laid on his left knee... his hands joined...
I post here another similar pic certainly taken during the same photo session... and one other where he stands up face to the camera...
he is superb... I am very impressed by the veins easily visible on each of his thighs...
the tatoo on his right pec shows a kind of panthera roaring...
I've found another photo where the tatoo is not so advanced yet... with no panthera and just some curves on the outer half of his pec... this photo must be older than the others and I like the fact he has his hair...
diego has broad to very broad shoulders comparatively to his hips... which makes his upper body more impressive to me than his legs...
among his numerous partners in porn... diego has topped hot rod... who is certainly hunger than him...
hot rod has of course well less muscular volume than diego... but I think his shoulders are comparatively well less extended than his hips... which makes his lower body more impressive that his upper body, contrary to diego...


this is aaaaaaaawesom whoaaah... so much poswer in this picture. love the delicious lean guy on the left and what a cock!!!
thanks man, what a great thread or shall i write treat mmmmh.....



Yes, this pic is very powerful. Something about a man who is proud of his dick makes me so hot.
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... sean xavier...
I continued to spot the guys I could identify in this thread...
finishing the op and beginning the second post... 7 photos show sean xavier...
it is possible that the pics provided by littledicky are from lucas entertainment... at the time sean made a flip flop scene with alexander garrett for this studio...
I added 4 more photos to the serie... maybe a little more recent for at least 2 of them... possibly taken in 2014 by the photograph mark henderson...
the third photo is from nextdoorebony... and I think that sean might have worked with this label before lucas entertainment...
my favorite pic is the one where sean sits wide spread legs... his right arm raised and flexed back near his head...
all the power of his cock shows off... standing well upward... and his distinct balls hang and spread between his relatively hairy thighs...
the first idea that come in my mind to better describe his cock is that it looks like jack napier's one... concerning the proportions and the shape...
the common points seem to be... a relatively straight base... an upward curve with a strong increase in the thickness thereafter reaching a maximum just under the knob... which is small comparatively to the remainder of the shaft... lol...
I could find two pics where sean's and jack's cock were standing almost in the same position... the two last ones of the serie... and actually... even if the thickness maximum is higher for jack... with a proportionnaly more little knob... I keep this idea of similarity between them...
moreover... they both hang low between their thighs... even when they are hard...
at last... sean xavier has very well defined muscles... with large shoulders... but they are not that massive... because I've seen him with guys who were less ripped than him... but with more volume in the muscle mass...
