Black Men Homoerotic Moments In Straight Porn

I ALWAYS notice that shit , but whats really interesting is that in most DP vids the dude on the bottom always try to hide or mask the sensation of the other guys dick rubbing or bumping against his inside the chick , they do this thing where they either start sucking on her titties to distract mf’s from seeing them flinch from the sensation OR they start unnecessarily & intensely staring at the female to avoid awkwardness or basically to not make it look or seem gay … Homoerotica is soooooo interesting bro especially with black dudes
" they either start sucking on her titties to distract mf’s from seeing them flinch from the sensation OR they start unnecessarily & intensely staring at the female to avoid awkwardness or basically to not make it look or seem gay … " fuck this is so hot. i'm going to look for this more.