Blake jenner

Blake’s cock in this scene always looked like it had the same proportion (and bounce) as Ben Afleck’s scene in Gone Girl, so I’ve always assumed it was a similar prosthetic. When Jenner was on The Glee Project, I didn’t see a whole lot of bulge in the swimsuit episode (granted: pool—>shrinkage!) and in my experience, growers tend stand at attention, which he isn’t much in this clip… so my guess is prosthetic. I just wish his ass be more… bouncy.
Blake’s cock in this scene always looked like it had the same proportion (and bounce) as Ben Afleck’s scene in Gone Girl, so I’ve always assumed it was a similar prosthetic. When Jenner was on The Glee Project, I didn’t see a whole lot of bulge in the swimsuit episode (granted: pool—>shrinkage!) and in my experience, growers tend stand at attention, which he isn’t much in this clip… so my guess is prosthetic. I just wish his ass be more… bouncy.
Uhhhhh wasn't Ben Afflecks cock infamously his actual dick?
It actually is his dick, this isn't speculation or wishful thinking, it's fact.
i've been able to clock a wig since I was 5 years old, I can clock a prosthetic dick a mile away and that's a rubber piece, no matter what he says. It's not like he would be the first person to lie about it. There's a million guys on OF lying that it really is their dick... but it's clearly not.
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i've been able to clock a wig since I was 5 years old, I can clock a prosthetic dick a mile away and that's a rubber piece, no matter what he says. It's not like he would be the first person to lie about it. There's a million guys on OF lying that it really is their dick... but it's clearly not.

If that is what you chose to believe that is your choice, I’m just saying facts are facts.