Blakeston has such a great ass! It's truly magnificent but of course it happens to be attached to a white, straight male "boy next door" small town jock. It's especially sad because I'm almost 100 percent certain I dont align with a Blakeston type on any socio-political issue across the board. Not saying he's a Trump voting simpleton but I mean honestly... I know he is and I truly don't fucking care.

All that said, I REFUSE to line the pockets w/ any of these g4p baiters. You can see it all on a thorough Google search.
Soup for brains
Blakeston has such a great ass! It's truly magnificent but of course it happens to be attached to a white, straight male "boy next door" small town jock. It's especially sad because I'm almost 100 percent certain I dont align with a Blakeston type on any socio-political issue across the board. Not saying he's a Trump voting simpleton but I mean honestly... I know he is and I truly don't fucking care.

All that said, I REFUSE to line the pockets w/ any of these g4p baiters. You can see it all on a thorough Google search.
Yikes but with the search u get very very little or maybe I'm just worried about getting a virus by clicking on random websites etc lol.
Yikes but with the search u get very very little or maybe I'm just worried about getting a virus by clicking on random websites etc lol.
Nowadays even the most basic laptop has an internal system or even google chrome that blocks malware. You generally will not get a virus if you go to a website and don't fall for the fake ads to download the popups.
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Blakeston has such a great ass! It's truly magnificent but of course it happens to be attached to a white, straight male "boy next door" small town jock. It's especially sad because I'm almost 100 percent certain I dont align with a Blakeston type on any socio-political issue across the board. Not saying he's a Trump voting simpleton but I mean honestly... I know he is and I truly don't fucking care.

All that said, I REFUSE to line the pockets w/ any of these g4p baiters. You can see it all on a thorough Google search.
Yikes. Why does every lgbt thread have this type of person..
Person? Why are you assuming how they identify?
I apologize profusely, this language does not represent who I am. I will reflect on this as I resign to live as a humble goat farmer.
Speaking of. Blakeston is starting to piss off his supporters. He has two pages on O. F but he's mainly only posting on the free page to charge 8-16 dollars instead of posting on his other page that people pay to see the content for a set monthly fee . He teases his dick and him being hard but didn't post it on his paid page but put the video up on his free page BFFR LOL
Speaking of. Blakeston is starting to piss off his supporters. He has two pages on O. F but he's mainly only posting on the free page to charge 8-16 dollars instead of posting on his other page that people pay to see the content for a set monthly fee . He teases his dick and him being hard but didn't post it on his paid page but put the video up on his free page BFFR LOL
Like all straight men using queer people to make money. Nothing new there. They will milk our community as much as they can. He’s being extremely dishonest because he made sure to say so many times that the ppv content on his free page will always be on his paid page. And it’s not like that.