Blood in semen


Experimental Member
Apr 20, 2005
Originally posted by icemancommeth@Jun 23 2005, 10:54 PM
Hi, i'm new to this board, i don't qualify for the board b/c im only 6"x5.5" but i'm in the process of enlargement via jelquing

But my problem is:

After masturbating for about 5 minutes i came, but i was freaked out by the fact that there was blood in my semen.

Has anyone had this problem and what should I do?
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erm, go see a doctor.. like now!
Originally posted by icemancommeth@Jun 24 2005, 12:54 AM
Hi, i'm new to this board, i don't qualify for the board b/c im only 6"x5.5" but i'm in the process of enlargement via jelquing

But my problem is:

After masturbating for about 5 minutes i came, but i was freaked out by the fact that there was blood in my semen.

Has anyone had this problem and what should I do?
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How much blood? Blood is easily spotted in semen due to the colour contrast however if it is a very small amount and only once off there is little to worry about. It can be caused by many things one of which being your activity at the time. If it is a large amount of blood or reoccurs then see your local doctor. Note: Jelqing could also be factor in this.
Originally posted by icemancommeth@Jun 23 2005, 05:21 PM
Not much blood, probably less than a drop, I also quit masturbating for about a year and recently started again about a month ago, maybe i should have gotten acclamated again.

But about the doctor thing...

I'm not sure how I would get an appointment, I'm 16, how could I explain that to my parents without dying of embarassment?
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You shouldn't be at all embarrased of talking to your parents about this. Try talking to your dad about what worries you in your genitals. Im sure he will understand and be glad you came to him for info. I talked with my dad when I had this bumps on my penis and he was glad I told him so we could see a doctor. It all turned out good and the thingys were normal ( They were pearly penile papules) and ever since the relationship with my dad got better for now I can discuss with him what worries me about my penis and testicles.

They are your parents and they love you and Im sure they dont want to see you worriesd. So just talk to them about it and ask one of them to take you to an urologist :)
Originally posted by icemancommeth@Jun 23 2005, 06:54 PM
Hi, i'm new to this board, i don't qualify for the board b/c im only 6"x5.5" but i'm in the process of enlargement via jelquing

But my problem is:

After masturbating for about 5 minutes i came, but i was freaked out by the fact that there was blood in my semen.

Has anyone had this problem and what should I do?
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Yah dude, you should see doctor, like, yesterday. Also, there are no "qualifications. You and I are the same size. All are welcome to this board!
You mean to say you didn't get to a urologist in all this time posting with us?

buster, lemme tell you something; blood in semen is nothing to ignore, irregardless if it was a few drops. Next time it happens, and more than likely it will, get up off of your ass, tell Mom and Dad, get on the horn and call a urologist, get it fixed, then tell us all about it in your next post.
The first time I masturbated I didn't know what I was doing, just stroking erect dick on inside of thigh then suddenly felt body was about to split open and nearly fell in sink along with the large load of what looked like library paste and blood. I thought I had ruptured something and would die, but didn't and never got the blood again -- suspected that it was due to frictional cuts near end of dick from all that intense abrasion. If you have not masturbated in year and with resumption have not not repeated the blood letting you are probably okay -- but this is not good medical practice. You and I should not have waited long enough for something either to get worse or kill us or not show up again and assume you are safe. It would be advisable to go to some doctor, but you need not start with urologist if you are too embarrassed -- an internal medicine doctor could probably check out the problem then refer you if necessary. And you could probably get the appointment with the family type doctor by complaing about some soreness in your abdomen or pain in the groin area or you noticed a slight redness in your urine or whatever then tell doctor the truth when you get there. He will understand your reticence to discuss this with parents and I am sure can get you through this unscathed by having to reveal to your parents that you are doing what all young guys do, jack off constantly. If you should decide that parents need to know everything then telling all here will embolden you to tell them how much it hurt your back muscles to engage in your first multi-session intercourse and how much the teeth hurt your corona in your first blow job.

I had the same thing happen to me a couple times this year. Freaked the heck out of me. I went and saw my doctor after the first time and he explained that I probably popped a small blood vessel while masturbating. I jacked off the next day and everything was fine. It has happened two times since. He just asked if I was jacking harder or doing something different when the incidents occured. A couple of my friends said that they had it happen to them too, so it's not uncommon. Still, always be on the safe side and go to your doctor.
Once I had a few traces (drops?) of blood in my semen and thought, "Oh, hell, what have I done now". I hadn't been jelqing but a short time, so I was hopefully thinking it was caused by jelqing. Every jackoff sesson after that for a while had me watching for more signs of bleeding. Along with jelqing, I had begun stretching and once there was a definite "pop" the first time I pulled str8 out. Looking back on all the episode, I think during stretching (if not jelqing) a small blood vessel of some kind/some where, snapped. All of this was months and months ago and I had forgotten about it until reading this post. I don't believe it's such an uncommon happening.
Originally posted by icemancommeth@Jun 23 2005, 03:54 PM
Hi, I'm new to this board.
I was freaked out by the fact that there was blood in my semen.
Has anyone had this problem and what should I do ?
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Welcome aboard.

No, guys are different from girls - we bleed, but not periodically.
We train to prevent that - to make the other guys(s) bleed.
This is not a good thing.
See a Doctor ASAP.
Thank you for posting, you may helped others.
Good luck.
More importantly, why the *%($#)@ is a 16 y/o jelquing?!

#1. You are still growing, probably for another 8 years. Don't do that to your "fuck stick."
#2. You are a perfectly normal size, not small, and you're still growing. 88% of men are 5-7 inches, so you are right in the middle of that, and did I mention, YOU'RE STILL GROWING. Please, leave it alone!
#3. You are causing yourself to bleed. Don't do that anymore!

Kids today! I swear! :eyes:
Originally posted by VinceNYC@Jun 24 2005, 07:55 PM
More importantly, why the *%($#)@ is a 16 y/o jelquing?!

#1. You are still growing, probably for another 8 years. Don't do that to your "fuck stick."
#2. You are a perfectly normal size, not small, and you're still growing. 88% of men are 5-7 inches, so you are right in the middle of that, and did I mention, YOU'RE STILL GROWING. Please, leave it alone!
#3. You are causing yourself to bleed. Don't do that anymore!

Kids today! I swear! :eyes:
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I must agree with you on all 3 counts.

Side-note: I think guys are slightly overreacting here. Just because it's his penis, it does not mean that the slightest change from the norm requires a specialist consultation. An 18 yr old had the same problem about 2 yrs back which did not reoccur and my advice to him was to just leave it alone and be more gentle provided of course no pain, other abnormalities or more blood showed.

This blood was very likely caused from masturbating that time or jelqing or both. There are many rich blood vessels in the penis and it is very easy to damage them. I would not recommend he see a specialist based on what he has said so far no more than I would recommend someone with a mole (which has not changed size, shape or colour) go see a dermotologist or someone with a nose bleed that happens once off go and see an ENT. Every now and then parts of our body "damage" a little bit and then fix themselves, such is life.

Obviously though, if you are worried, go and see the urologist.
I had this happen once. I was jacking off and there was blood in the cum. I freaked and rushed to the doctor. He said it was very common actually and that I had broken a small blood vessel. I think someone else posted that as well. I wasn't jelquing or doing anything unsual...well maybe jerking off more than usual. But the doctor said not to worry about it unless it happens repeatedly. The next time I jacked there was no blood. There was however a very weird feeling in the prostate, rectum, balls area for several weeks due to the broken vessel I guess. Not a painful feeling, just weird. It eventually went away. I don't think you think you have to worry about it unless it happens over and over or you notice changes in your balls.
1. Jelqing doesn't work.
2. You're 16 and 8". What more do you want?
3. Go to the doctor. Hematospermia is always a sign of a problem.
Originally posted by jonb@Jun 25 2005, 01:28 AM

3. Go to the doctor. Hematospermia is always a sign of a problem.
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I agree that it is a sign of something not quite right but not always deserving of a doctor any more than blood in the nasal mucosa is.

I have a link from EMedicine with all the medical jargon and info here:

As I said though if there are other abnormalities, it happens again within 2 months, pain etc.. Then obviously yes, go and see a doctor ASAP.
Originally posted by icemancommeth@Jun 24 2005, 04:47 PM
I agree with you about the jelqing, I should probably stop that for a few years :)
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No, you should stop like, forever. I've heard it's very dangerous to yer cock. Besides, you should e proud of what yer packing no matter what. You could always be worse off, yah? Imagine having a micro penis.