blue moon anyone?

thats…literally what you’re doing. Telling me to take my advice, is telling me to leave. So again, if I should take my advice you should as well.
Why should I take your advice? My actions aren't contingent on yours. You're free to do as you please, but I question judging others for wasting their time when you're clearly doing the same.
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I’m not repeating myself you can scroll back and read my posts from earlier. My concern and judgment is warranted when it comes to what was stated previously. and you say your actions aren’t contingent on mine, vice versa. if you wanna stay here and idolize this guy go ahead, that’s your life, and If you don’t believe anything I’ve said, go to his discord or wherever and ask him yourself. Again that’s up to you. Also you clipped that one sentence out of my reply and ignored the rest, but whatever. If I’m free to do what I want, you’re also free to ignore me completely, carry on.
You have every right to be concerned, but judging others for investing in something you're clearly invested in stuck out as a red flag to me.
I’m not repeating myself you can scroll back and read my posts from earlier. My concern and judgment is warranted when it comes to what was stated previously. and you say your actions aren’t contingent on mine, vice versa. if you wanna stay here and idolize this guy go ahead, that’s your life, and If you don’t believe anything I’ve said, go to his discord or wherever and ask him yourself. Again that’s up to you. Also you clipped that one sentence out of my reply and ignored the rest, but whatever. If I’m free to do what I want, you’re also free to ignore me completely, carry on.
baby I gotta be honest we don’t care
What kind of backwards ass gaslighting is this, I’m judging people for idolizing and thirsting over a p€do. I’m not thirsting over this guy like everyone else is wtf. You came to that conclusion all by your lonesome.
“idolizing” is a bit of a stretch don’t you think? for all intents and purposes he is just an object. if i invested myself in everyones politics/viewpoints and personal lives, especially when it came to pornstars, i would hate most porn stars… & i mean look at the guy did you expect anything different . with that being said i don’t disagree with anything you said & i thank you for the heads up & i can assure you i won’t ever be giving him my money again. but he is just a nut to most of us… other than that if you are here to pass judgement on anyone who likes him, i think you should protect your peace