Sex causes massive strain to the body, plus you are also trading minutes to hours of your life for others to view. What are you giving back to them for their efforts/sacrifice? By all means, you don't have to believe sex should be profited off of, but don't expect someone to labor for you for free either. Just say you want charity.
You say it's sacred, but you're on sites like this where they offer memberships and veeeeery few treat this as something "sacred". I can agree with the toxic ideologies etc... but that aint this! "My Dear". We trade, how society has managed to grow and thrive.
You asked/stated "And aside from that, my dear, what on Earth do you think people use this site for most? Free porn." That is yet another byproduct of that toxic ideology you mention. Greed a very common human trait.
So I'll restate one last time and I'll take my foot of it... pay or just be straight up and ask for charity.