This thread is the worst advertisement for his OF and Brad know it is.

Across all 32 pages of content here now the word “scam” appears in 34 posts and the work “fake” appears in 58 posts - by my quick count. It would be hard to miss by anyone having a quick read through.

Why would Brad want his content, that shows his fake sex acts, and is called out as such, to be on public display here that would risk the chance of him attracting another prospective victim to his scams.
This thread is the worst advertisement for his OF and Brad know it is.

Across all 32 pages of content here now the word “scam” appears in 34 posts and the work “fake” appears in 58 posts - by my quick count. It would be hard to miss by anyone having a quick read through.

Why would Brad want his content, that shows his fake sex acts, and is called out as such, to be on public display here that would risk the chance of him attracting another prospective victim to his scams.
used to be 36 pages he got mad cause people are calling him out for his fake porn
I was a bit of a fan more for the amusement of the over-acting, the outrageous vocals, and they were Aussie larrikins, but yeah, agree with others here that he is a scam and a scum.
Aussie larrikins do not act like this guy. This guy is better defined as a fuckwit.
Agreed never found out why ppl think he's hotstuff in all honesty I was waiting for a collab with Timothy champagne
I imagined Brad getting fake fucked and shouting “pound me boy cunt” in one of Timothy’s over produced, cinematic-as-fuck-for-no-reason videos and busted out laughing in public. 😭
Same thing most aren't even into gay stuff they'll do tho if they paid half the time they just want their dick sucked
Brad and his friends don’t even bother to pretend to suck dick in their videos. They just go straight to the “fucking” part 😭
I agree. When I first came across him on X I thought “oh wow he’s hot and so verbal” but the more I scrolled the more I noticed not just how fake he and his “bros” were (because that is honestly some terrible acting going on there), but how offensive their portrayal was of men who sleep with men. It got to the point where I thought, “this is honestly what these twats think we’re like, isn’t it?” Give him your money of you like, I’m not here to shame anyone, but what a bunch of yikes cringe that content is.
Yeah this is kinda my stance on him. Initially I kinda liked the really played up dirty talk and kinda didn’t care if it was fake. Like yeah he’s definitely not having sex with his mates but they’re naked rubbing up on eachother, for some that’s enough. But you think about it harder and it starts to feel really offensive, like he’s genuinely not a good person and it’s homophobic as fuck, I’m suprised OF allows it tbh.
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Yeah this is kinda my stance on him. Initially I kinda liked the really played up dirty talk and kinda didn’t care if it was fake. Like yeah he’s definitely not having sex with his mates but they’re naked rubbing up on eachother, for some that’s enough. But you think about it harder and it starts to feel really offensive, like he’s genuinely not a good person and it’s homophobic as fuck, I’m suprised OF allows it tbh.
FINALLY someone see's the truth of this guy, all that fakeness comes from his homophobic fake acts, sadly half of us wanna be in denial and say hey as long as hes hot , he's not that hot, he comes off kind of a douchebag in my opinion , besides this guy is the straightest guy ever yet all his content is basically mocking or teasing the gay men who pay him. his content feels more like a middle schooler teasing a bunch of gay kids