Brandon flynn

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The way I would love to eat that ass.
idk, why, but this is so offensive as someone who's black. idk why. "that black person".. there's so many more ways, to address them.
I was trying to be inclusive because I can't tell if they identify as a man or woman based on their profile. I guess I should have just said that person
I was trying to be inclusive because I can't tell if they identify as a man or woman based on their profile. I guess I should have just said that person
As a black person, you don't need to defend yourself. And can white people PLEASE stop deciding what's offensive?! And of you're going to defend a race, do it for them, not yourselves. Because a lot of black people's voices are be stolen by white people "defending" us but honestly it feels like the end goal is just for them not to appear racist, rather than actually help.
As a black person, you don't need to defend yourself. And can white people PLEASE stop deciding what's offensive?! And of you're going to defend a race, do it for them, not yourselves. Because a lot of black people's voices are be stolen by white people "defending" us but honestly it feels like the end goal is just for them not to appear racist, rather than actually help.
Well don’t assume people are white and all he had to say was is he dating that guy. That’s all to it because it was weird way of phrasing it
As a black person, you don't need to defend yourself. And can white people PLEASE stop deciding what's offensive?! And of you're going to defend a race, do it for them, not yourselves. Because a lot of black people's voices are be stolen by white people "defending" us but honestly it feels like the end goal is just for them not to appear racist, rather than actually help.
i'm black, and and i didn't like the way it was worded. "That black person" there's a different way to find out someone's pronouns. they could have said a multitude of different things. you can't tell black people what to not be offended by. just because you say you're black and you're not offended by it, means nothing.
I meant the t-shirt sticker that was on his story. It was a full butt shot.
Oh I don't believe so!! I saw that as well, checked the page and I'm pretty sure it's the creator of the shirt or another model. I don't think it's Brandon in that photo. Wish it was, but I think Brandon's butt is also a bit smaller than that one. (Which there's nothing wrong with, cute little butts need more love) lmao.
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