Brandon flynn

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i thought a whore’s bath was just dosing yourself with fragrance, but washing your armpits in the sink definitely SOUNDS like a whore’s bath tho doesn’t it lmaooo


The style of bathing that would apparently be common among prostitutes.


whore bath (plural whore baths)

  1. A quick sponge bath by hand, using a wet washcloth or a pre-moistened towelette, to extend the interval between showers or clean up after casual sexual intercourse.
Lol it’s just one town but you sweat all over your body not just pits, and contradicts his explanation of natural odor if he’s washing his pits and showers in cologne. He’s hot but also how often does he shower then? Especially after :emoji_poop:
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Lord nothing worse than smelly armpits tho
I doubt he does though as not everyone suffers from body odour. He says he wears cologne and many people don't use deodorant as they don't need it as long as they wash regularly. There have been studies on this for decades and it has been found that a person's anderarm bo is due to a particular gene (ABCC11 gene) which correlates to their earwax (and may also have an impact on breast cancer in women). I do use deodorant because I think I need it but I know several people who don't and they never smell bad. It's just the luck of your genes. I'm guessing Brandon is one of the lucky ones or he uses deodorant when he's on set as you couldn't do his job if you didn't smell good. All the hair & make-up people post videos of the fun they have with him on every set he's on.

Earwax tied to genes, underarm odor.
The researchers also found that earwax type and armpit odor are correlated. Populations with dry earwax tend to sweat less and have little or no body odor.

Wet ear wax and unpleasant body odors signal breast cancer risk.
Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal, "As it turns out, the type of ear wax one has is linked to a gene that leads to bad odors from one's armpit. These may become lifesaving clues to the early detection and treatment of breast cancer."
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I doubt he does though as not everyone suffers from body odour. He says he wears cologne and many people don't use deodorant as they don't need it as long as they wash regularly. There have been studies on this for decades and it has been found that a person's anderarm bo is due to a particular gene (ABCC11 gene) which correlates to their earwax (and may also have an impact on breast cancer in women). I do use deodorant because I think I need it but I know several people who don't and they never smell bad. It's just the luck of your genes. I'm guessing Brandon is one of the lucky ones or he uses deodorant when he's on set as you couldn't do his job if you didn't smell good. All the hair & make-up people post videos of the fun they have with him on every set he's on.

Earwax tied to genes, underarm odor.
The researchers also found that earwax type and armpit odor are correlated. Populations with dry earwax tend to sweat less and have little or no body odor.

Wet ear wax and unpleasant body odors signal breast cancer risk.
Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal, "As it turns out, the type of ear wax one has is linked to a gene that leads to bad odors from one's armpit. These may become lifesaving clues to the early detection and treatment of breast cancer."
Interesting stuff. I had no idea.
I swear to god, people start shit about the weirdest things, he certainly doesn't walk around smelling like a garbage bin.

Besides, americans need to learn that washcloth and soap exists, but when you shower in that Flint water the brain seems to disintegrate.
Not the Flint water LMAO


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