I do think there is any top here that doesn’t want to cream the shit out of his holes, and I don’t think there is a bottom here who doesn’t want to ride his cock into the sunset.

Or the verse peeps that want to do all of the above...
He's sponsored by BANG, he has posted many things for them. I can't imagine he is making loads of money.
You'd be surprised, companies like Bang(especially Bang) are throwing tons of money to influencers cause it's still cheaper than traditional marketing budgets, and they've got a built in audience to sell to. Influencers can usually start demanding more than $600 a post after they have over a million followers
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You'd be surprised, companies like Bang(especially Bang) are throwing tons of money to influencers cause it's still cheaper than traditional marketing budgets, and they've got a built in audience to sell to. Influencers can usually start demanding more than $600 a post after they have over a million followers
It's crazy the amount that they get, I know a girl who has 5k followers who was getting $1k per post after making a video with the drinks. I imagine Brandon was getting at least 5k per video he made, I know they offer more if you make a full video/skit with the drink.
It's crazy the amount that they get, I know a girl who has 5k followers who was getting $1k per post after making a video with the drinks. I imagine Brandon was getting at least 5k per video he made, I know they offer more if you make a full video/skit with the drink.
Yeah him and Hunter having like 2 million followers each probably helps their income a little bit too.

Companies finally got smart and stopped spending so much in YouTube and TV ads and started giving some money to influencers who already bring in views and engagement lol
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Back in Hunter's YouNow days he would constantly make indirect references to his size. That and his butt.
And now he hangs out with Joey who (though hot) has really put a dampner on the Rowlands actions\activities and cast a cloud of gloom over their personalities... Especially Hunter!!! Brandon kind of seems to steer clear as of late though
And now he hangs out with Joey who (though hot) has really put a dampner on the Rowlands actions\activities and cast a cloud of gloom over their personalities... Especially Hunter!!! Brandon kind of seems to steer clear as of late though
Hunters always moaning about depression bringing the mood down. I don't think it has anything to do with Joey, Brandon seems a lot happier with Joey living with them.