Brazilian Model/Actor - Bernardo Velasco

foi isso que ele postou hj ? a minha assinatura expirou e enquanto estava ativa, ele leu minhas dms e falou que iria fazer o que eu tinha pedido, ele não fez e antes da minha assinatura acabar eu ainda mandei de novo pedindo e ele nem leu a DM que eu tinha mandado com Gorjeta ainda, fui ver minhas dms e só depois que assinatura expirou que ele leu e curtiu :mad::mad::mad:
That’s bad of him. When he was young, Bernardo was a very nice guy.

Maybe as he’s got older, there’s less acting work for him - and there are more cute young men to compete against - but he still has bIlls to pay. He could get more honest work tho.
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Is that what he posted today? My subscription expired and while it was active, he read my DMs and said he would do what I had asked, he didn't do it and before my subscription ended I still sent it again asking and he didn't even read the DM that I had sent with a tip yet, I went to see my DMs and only after the subscription expired did he read and like it.:mad::mad::mad:
Can I ask what did you request? He never reply to my dm even if I send tip
foi isso que ele postou hj ? a minha assinatura expirou e enquanto estava ativa, ele leu minhas dms e falou que iria fazer o que eu tinha pedido, ele não fez e antes da minha assinatura acabar eu ainda mandei de novo pedindo e ele nem leu a DM que eu tinha mandado com Gorjeta ainda, fui ver minhas dms e só depois que assinatura expirou que ele leu e curtiu :mad::mad::mad:
Oq tu pediu?
I’m trying to post another video. But it’s bugging out on me.

It’s of him playing with his dick.
Beautiful. Makes me crazy. There's another of him jerking his huge cock. I wish he was an escort
I've been admiring Bernardo for quite some time. I think he is one of the most handsome faces I've ever seen, also a body to go along with the face. He came onto the Modeling scene in 2008 for a campaign called "The Boy".

In the past few weeks a a webcam video leaked of him jerking off, it was apparently something he did about 5 years ago and his PR team worked frantically to stop any postings of it. I saw the video and it's pretty impressive (to me anyways). The funny thing with the j/o video is that he stated in an interview he refuses to ever pose for a fully frontal nude photograph/photoshoot but there are tons of photos of him naked (none full frontal though)

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The photos he takes always shows a large and full basket...and if you're able to take a view of the webcam video before it's taken off sites you'll see hes got a huge uncut dick. :eek:

I thought I'd finally share this hot man since no one really knows who he is on LPSG (I think...)😄
these photos are from a video of him on onlyfans. It's as wild as he gets but I'd pay to have him
eu sinceramente n sei de onde vem tanto receio de se exibir. tem um vídeo dele batendo punheta na webcam há séculos
mas la foi vazado e em qualidade pessima ne kkk ele ja postou umas coisas bem gostosinhas, problema que ele parou de evoluir, nao veio gozada ou nada melhor depois
eu sinceramente n sei de onde vem tanto receio de se exibir.

Eu conhecia Bernardo naquela época. O vídeo que você mencionou era, na verdade, gay-baiting e causou um grande constrangimento a Bernardo com sua família. Ele ficou preocupado que isso pudesse prejudicar sua carreira como ator - felizmente não prejudicou.

I knew Bernardo back then. The video you mention was in fact gay-baiting and it caused Bernardo huge embarrassment with his family. It worried him that it might damage his career as an actor - luckily it did not.