Brenden Besecker

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This is all a weird set up and lies. It looks like lookin_ created an account using her picture and name just to help try and justify his point about Brenden posting a screenshot on his IG. Seeing as you're the only two who are talking about this out of nowhere. Lookin_ made his post, got questioned about, then a few hours later "isabelleison" created an account making the same exact comment.

It's pretty obvious that you "isabelleison" and "lookin_" are the same exact person. Because why after all of this time out of nowhere would Brenden's "girlfriend" take time time to create an account just to come on here and "prove" that Brenden knows about this website and he took a screenshot of some of the comments??

From all the things she has going on in her life why would she even care? Why go on this website compared to the more popular websites like Instagram or Twitter which also has content and comments about him?? And if in fact Brenden has a screenshot of comments from this thread it's pretty obvious that "Lookin_" probably sent it to him. Such a sad shame.
um... guessing what people are thinking again @Justingl and calling it obvious.
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