Brian Sanchez (strongestlender)

Not sure how true this is
I wonder how true this is too. I was surprised when he announced that he was getting the surgery. Not just because he was already tall, but because he would lose all of the muscle mass on his legs and it would likely take years to get them back to where they were. That’s why I figured he disappeared from social media, to fully recover and get back into shape.
Not sure how true this is
I know about him getting the procedure done cause he wanted to be taller. But I also know that he’s been on social media here and there in different people’s posts. From what I saw from a page on IG, he made a vid talking about why he got off, saying that he deleted his account and the mobile app so he could focus on spend more time with his family and whatnot.
I would spend a gargantuan ammount of money to lose 20cm of my height
I think it's a matter of how the guy did it. It's a gargantuan amount of money to have slightly longer legs. It wasn't some magical super techy solution that made him all around taller. I guess you could do the same to have shorter legs, but is that really what anyone wanting to be bigger/smaller has in mind?
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Even if the "procedure" was a whopping success, his legs would look wildly disproportionate even with all the muscle mass added back on. Arms too short, torso all small and whatnot. And if he's really wheelchair-bound now then he blew a horrific amount of money on a botched attempt at getting slightly taller. None of it sounds worth it at all. He was cute I guess but has a brain made of soggy toilet paper.