Brian Sanchez (strongestlender)

I’m not trying to argue that. Look. If that makes him happy, go for it. As long as he ain’t hurting other people around him, he can do whatever the fuck he wants with his body. It’s his life.
He supports politicians that want queer people dead so nah fuck this guy
It’s probably worth mentioning that his entire body is going to look disproportionate now that his legs are longer than they’re supposed to be, especially his arms and torso. His arms are gonna look short as fuck lol, wait til he goes back to Turkey to get them brokeded.
Always thought this like isn’t just gonna look weird i don’t get it but his life i guess.
You can even see it in his DeviantArt fetish level mock-up of how he thinks he’ll look once he’s all healed that his arms would now be too short for his body. Guess it’ll be interesting to see what he looks like for real once he can stand without assistance.


I looked him up because I saw a picture of him on tumblr and wanted to see more but this thread has given me psychic damage. A SIX INCH height increase??? I’ve seen the leg breaking surgery for height before but that’s by far the most height gain I’ve heard of. And six foot is the tallest I’ve heard a patient start at.

This is literally the plot of the anime baki which is know for being insane and unrealistic
I looked him up because I saw a picture of him on tumblr and wanted to see more but this thread has given me psychic damage. A SIX INCH height increase??? I’ve seen the leg breaking surgery for height before but that’s by far the most height gain I’ve heard of. And six foot is the tallest I’ve heard a patient start at.

This is literally the plot of the anime baki which is know for being insane and unrealistic
I saw some recent pictures from his IG. Though his upper body is still impressive as hell, it still needs a walker and his legs look like sticks. Such a waste...
He has probably the worst body dysmorphia out of anyone I've ever followed. He was already 6 foot and PERFECT the way he was. The fact that he did this, to himself, his wife and children, how long he was gone for, how much money he blew on it...... I just don't understand. But maybe it's not my place to understand.
He has probably the worst body dysmorphia out of anyone I've ever followed. He was already 6 foot and PERFECT the way he was. The fact that he did this, to himself, his wife and children, how long he was gone for, how much money he blew on it...... I just don't understand. But maybe it's not my place to understand.
I know some people who want to do a surgery that is the opposite of that one, a surgery to be smaller
I wish he grew to 6’6” just to do more wrestling domination stuff like before. But I guess that was all for the surgery.
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