Brooks From Seancody

Wait how do you know this?
Late AF reply. But, that guy is probably right. It wasn't hard to find his family members on FB o_O (knowing Brooks' real name and where he lived). None of his family gathering photos, at least the last time I checked, included him (in the past it did).
Late AF reply. But, that guy is probably right. It wasn't hard to find his family members on FB o_O (knowing Brooks' real name and where he lived). None of his family gathering photos, at least the last time I checked, included him (in the past it did).
Can your post the pic ?
I've cyberstalked him quite a bit and this isn't entirely accurate. Mix of old information and assumptions.

He was an out-of-wedlock baby, and his mom had a hard time providing for him growing up. Later, she got her life together, got a degree, got a husband, and had kids with him. She seems to favor those children over "Brooks", who is obviously much older than them.

As for the jail thing, he had some run-ins with the law when he lived in Florida, which was about the time he was shooting for Sean Cody. The usual drugs and stupid stuff, but nothing serious or violent to my knowledge.

His last name is fairly common in Iowa. There is an NBA player from there with the same name. While you can assume they're all related from way back, they aren't necessarily family who would even know him.

He was settled in Denver with a steady job, last I knew. He doesn't have the greatest life, but he seems to have learned how to take care of himself, and stay out of trouble. We can hope for the best for him.