Update... he started showing off his big butt. At one point, he backed up n my finger was between his cheeks, he didnt notice or react. He's a straight drunk guy. He had to feel it but thought it was the stool. His female friend even stuck a finger his ass joking about how big his butt wass. I got that in my sneak vid. Tonight was fun.I swear these guys just find me. I'm at a bar now and there's a drunk hot army guy with a big bubble butt with his back to me that keeps bumping in to me while talking to his group. I am doing what any gay would do and put my hand on the side of my stool. He thinks he's rubbing his ass against the chair and it's my hand.
Can't make this up yall. He left w his friends but I definitely got a nice discreet finger danceUpdate... he started showing off his big butt. At one point, he backed up n my finger was between his cheeks, he didnt notice or react. He's a straight drunk guy. He had to feel it but thought it was the stool. His female friend even stuck a finger his ass joking about how big his butt wass. I got that in my sneak vid. Tonight was fun.
Update... he started showing off his big butt. At one point, he backed up n my finger was between his cheeks, he didnt notice or react. He's a straight drunk guy. He had to feel it but thought it was the stool. His female friend even stuck a finger his ass joking about how big his butt wass. I got that in my sneak vid. Tonight was fun.
My pics r candid n real. Plz keep it private or ill definitely not post these real men if I see it anywhere else. I hope it's a safe place for members.This butt in person!? My god. U could see the dimples n it was moving like jello. From my personal collection.
Street butt.
Stunning, absolutely stunning