Yours is a great post and I know you pretty much have a y color they can come up with. But always enjoy when it's uncovered
Thank you.
I do have a lot of colors to choose from, I like the variety of having lots of different bulge pictures. I'm also pleased you like to see me uncovered, I'll have to save those for my media folders though...With the occasional post on threads that it's appropriate.
I've still got some solid color Brown, Beige, and Tan.
This first pair is some that you may have seen in my folders, but I thought it would be good to do some newer pictures today.
If you liked any of these, ask and I'll post more in my folders.
I need to do more in these, but didn't have time today.
Oops...Things are falling out....Darn small pouches...
I try to tuck everything in...And it falls out again.
I had close-ups but ran out of room in this post.
You really didn't want to see them anyway? Did you?