I think there's a lot of faulty logic involved here. "he gets mad about the magcon guys hooking up with girls if I remember correctly? So if he’s mad about that how can he be addicted to sex? If he was addicted to sex he would have encouraged such behavior and very likely participated...but he likely was mad because he was jealous"
You're assuming a lot. People can have conflicted feelings about sex. They can say one thing, feel another, and do another. They also can have complicated hangups. Cam's seeing a sex therapist and he feels good about making progress. I don't get the big deal.
Btw a person can be addicted to masturbation, porn and even obsessing about sex. If you're looking for 'proof' of Cam's sex addiction(s) you probably won't find any. I take it at face value. He's been pretty up front about it all and he seems to be doing well (8 performances a week for a month of a Broadway show takes discipline, for ex.)
It's kind of turning into a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of thing, here. He drinks, does drugs, gets in trouble, acts violent, and he's damned for that. But now he's damned for talking about his addictions and being sober and trying to get his life on track.