Cameron Kasky

Yeah, he a single gay/bi man – it’d be weirder if he wasn’t on Grindr.

(Though there are probably a tonne of fakes of him)

I do feel for him at times like this – it much be incredibly shitty to be constantly reminded of what happened to him whenever the latest gun massacre happens.
Also, I have a friend who happens to be bi/aromantic and he uses tinder for dating instead of Grindr. I think he may have used Grindr at one point but he has mostly used tinder.

I also happen to meet a ex boyfriend at tinder funny enough. So as a queer person, I’m not used to seeing people use Grindr for dating. At least, I don’t personally used it.
Also here is a picture of him today looking fine. Hope he is doing alright considering what’s been going on lately.View attachment 70155221
Who knows what his therapists may have reccomended. He may be on medications to help, as well. I know little of PTSD, so I would have no clue.
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