A huge step toward living/existing as a feminist is unpacking decades of reinforced internalized misogyny. Clearly, this woman has some shit to work through.
Additional crank - since when does feminism require perfection? I mean dudes in the public eye often fuck up royally and are often awarded with a redemption arc. He was so brave!!!
Also. She did not engage an underage person in inappropriate txt conversation. The man did. This is his crime. Literally, a crime. No matter how forward and proactive the young lady happened to be, all fault lies in the assholes lap. He was the adult. He had an ethical and legal responsibility to shut this shit down. Even Boomers know how to block a number.
So, yes. She is a feminist. Yes, she used poor judgement and treated a young woman unfairly.
Also. Blaming Txt-Teen is awful. Same idjits who think Lolita is a star crossed romance