Expert Member
Would the other guy and him ever post cute or gay couple things? Were they wearing a engagement/wedding ring in the posts? Or was it just 2 buff guys in the same shot? HahaOh please, I’m not closed minded just because of some bodybuilding posers and showing skin. He legit would always post stories with a same guy and then mentioning he was married, obviously you just would put two and two together. But then outta nowhere you see him posting a woman. It’s not the end of the world, it just so happens I just thought he had an interest in men and I’m obviously not the only one.
I asked if it was just the showing skin posts bc I don't see anything "gay" about his posts. The thong thing is just for clout, that clearly works or else we all wouldn't be in this thread. I'm not saying he's not gay, just wondering if there was any proof (besides his Twitter likes lol)