I’m uncircumcised. I retract my foreskin fine.
So my issue, is my cock head is incredibly sensitive bordering on painful. I try to work with it, but there’s times where air hurts. Any touch or rubbing directly on my cock head results in burning pain. touching my cock with or over the foreskin is the only way to not illicit searing pain.
this isnt normal no?
my understanding is that my glans should be a pleasure to titillate, like everyone else’, right? As it stands, sexual contact is painful and miserable
Is there something wrong with me or is there something I should have been doing that my parents and healthcare providers have neglected to tell?
Some men do suffer from hypersensitivity of the glans. Providing there is no pain, or discomfort¡ normally and you can wash your glans with water, gently, when the foreskin is retracted, then it's probably not infected.
I only say that because searing pain makes me think of a bad burn on your finger and you've just accidentally put that burned area into some hot water.
What does your glans looks like? Usually it's fairly easy to see if it's inflamed.
Lots of guys that have had phimosis, and have cured it with stretching exercises, say that when they first end up being able to retract the foreskin the glans is so hypersensitive that it's painful to the touch. Basically you have to desensitise yourself. At first my recommendation would be to lie naked in bed, on your back, pull your foreskin back and let your dick rest there for a while retracted. Just watch TV or play on your phone letting you get used to having the glans exposed.
Next you could introduce a fan to the mix with air gently blowing on your glans.
Some men suggest one step to be retracting the foreskin in the shower and letting drops from the shower head splash on your glans but I don't like this recommendation. I've never had phimosis but doing that is unpleasant even for me and I don't have any hypersensitivity issues with sex. Yes my glans can be overstimulated during sex if it's pleasured in the wrong way but that's normal. Penetrative anal sex never overstimulates. It's only BJ's, with excessive tongue in the wrong place, and overzealous handjobs directly onto to glans that do that. I can directly wrap my lubed first around my glans no problem during masturbation.
Having some hypersensitivity is normal. I've had a friend with benefits who's glans was much less sensitive than mine and he was jealous of how I could get pleasure from such gentle and delicate actions.
So it seems to me like you need to get your glans out and get it used to direct stimulation.