Captain Yangpu

to the people that says he's queerbating, i don't think he is because i checked his following on instagram and he's following other openly gay influencers and gay art pages. he might've been doing that in the past, but he's changed now (hopefully). also those tweets and his weibo with the homophobic messages, like y'all said was years ago. it's 2022, the man only follows gay people. what straight person only follows gay people? so i don't think he's queerbating/straight. hopefully i'm right i hate queerbators omfg.
The dude has a boyfriend, captain Liang. He is gay, it is just that there is still a huge stigma in China.
yes but it still kinda bothers me how in the past he was labeled as "queerbator" but im sure he changed now, and i love him and his boyfriend they're so hot ⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄
Literally who cares if he's queerbaiting? Were people upset they weren't able to fuck him? Like they would be able if he were gay? Just jerk off and shut up
I think some people cared (in the sense that it seemed dishonest? Idk I wasn't involved in that) it's irrelevant anyway since he wasn't and he isn't straight. The entire debate is pointless.
I think some people cared (in the sense that it seemed dishonest? Idk I wasn't involved in that) it's irrelevant anyway since he wasn't and he isn't straight. The entire debate is pointless.
Queerbaiting is one of those terms that's used to blame others while having no arguments to make, not unlike gaslighting or strawmanning. If someone lies about his sexuality, then just say he's lying. If he deliberately obfuscates, then it's really your fault for being so thirsty while gullible to imagine stuff he didn't say.

Sorry for the rant, I've just had it with the term being thrown around to anything from sex models setting boundaries, appropriately rejecting unsolicited pics or even straight models being open about their sexuality, which really is the opposite of baiting.
Queerbaiting is one of those terms that's used to blame others while having no arguments to make, not unlike gaslighting or strawmanning. If someone lies about his sexuality, then just say he's lying. If he deliberately obfuscates, then it's really your fault for being so thirsty while gullible to imagine stuff he didn't say.

Sorry for the rant, I've just had it with the term being thrown around to anything from sex models setting boundaries, appropriately rejecting unsolicited pics or even straight models being open about their sexuality, which really is the opposite of baiting.
I mostly agree with you... But in some instances I do think the word has some merit (rarely) but I think it does apply to the frauds who just straight up lie about being gay/bi on tiktok or Instagram to gain pink money and clout. I think that's a specific phenomenon (that while is "just lying") the intent is specific and imo particularly gross.

But it does get thrown around now to the point of absurdity and even when it doesn't apply.

As a bisexual I can't help but be especially annoyed at opportunist lying grifters just adding to the negative stigma we already have just for their own greed.
I mostly agree with you... But in some instances I do think the word has some merit (rarely) but I think it does apply to the frauds who just straight up lie about being gay/bi on tiktok or Instagram to gain pink money and clout. I think that's a specific phenomenon (that while is "just lying") the intent is specific and imo particularly gross.

But it does get thrown around now to the point of absurdity and even when it doesn't apply.

As a bisexual I can't help but be especially annoyed at opportunist lying grifters just adding to the negative stigma we already have just for their own greed.
Thank you! And I want to clarify that there are actual cases of gaybaiting that are terrible, not unlike gaslighting is an horrible offense which involves systematically breaking someone's sanity. It's just these terms are today thrown around by people who want to accuse someone of lying when they know they're not. Much better to just say that someone is a fraudster who lies, because I believe lying about sexuality is a much worse offense than merely baiting would suggest, as if the act only harms the gullible, when it undermines the credibility of all those who identifies as sexual minorities like you said, and I deeply sympathize.
It's just these terms are today thrown around by people who want to accuse someone of lying when they know they're not.
Exactly. This is truly annoying and this forum is infamous for that bullshit especially.

Much better to just say that someone is a fraudster who lies, because I believe lying about sexuality is a much worse offense than merely baiting would suggest...
Never thought of this way but I think that's actually very true. Hahaha. I do often like to use the word fraud and fraudulent already to describe some of these worst offenders. So I'm right there with you on that point.

Really appreciate the good faith reply/discussion leo. Sorry for anyone who thinks we got too off topic. I'm done now. :joy:
Queerbaiting is one of those terms that's used to blame others while having no arguments to make, not unlike gaslighting or strawmanning. If someone lies about his sexuality, then just say he's lying. If he deliberately obfuscates, then it's really your fault for being so thirsty while gullible to imagine stuff he didn't say.

Disagree. It's nothing like gaslighting or straw manning, which are methods of argument. Queerbaiting is essentially false advertising.

Many of these people deliberately and unabashedly sell and promote their content on a platform that heavily implies gay content only for there to be nothing of the sort. The amount of "See what we got up to" type of posts from straight OF men is pretty ridiculous. It is extremely pervasive.

In other words, it's not about lying about your sexuality it's about marketing your product as something that it clearly isn't. There's the constant promise (or heavy implication) of gay content, but it's always the next post/vid/collab.

It's like when Disney said they had their first gay character in the live action Beauty and the Beast but you basically wouldn't have know if you hadn't been told in the media. It was a bait for queer people.