Car Art And Photos!!

1930 Duesenberg Model J !!

Hupmobile purchased the dies to the defunct Cord 810 and shared them with Graham Paige. This is how the Hollywood and the Skylark shown above were virtually identical for 1941. Unfortunately, both Graham Paige and Hupmobile went belly up in spite of these awesome models.

This '33 Pierce Arrow is a wild and impressive machine, well advanced in some of its styling features. I love the hidden side-mounted spare. It compares well with the look of Cords and Duesenbergs of the era, would be interested to know how its performance and feel matched the others. My money would probably be on the Duesy in a race.

also see this 1934 Chrysler Airflow styling..
34 Chrysler Airflow.jpg

and 1939 Russian ZIS-101 sport coupe..
1939 ZIS-101 Sport coupe.jpg

1934 Duesy Whittell Coupe looks decidedly old fashioned..

but it got $10.3M at auction 2011.