Car Art And Photos!!

had a aussie equivalent holden sw
numerous road trips/overnight camping exploit's culminating living under a rail mrige bowen queensland redmead kiwi gal..asnd i

ended up a commune of28 at one stage
newcomers asked us if they could stasy
told them off for dare asking smile/then thanked them for courtwsy/smile
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Reactions: Fredyfx and BillM

of interest
no denying
we are possinly all guilty f stupidity/inattenyion on our roads

be careful everyone

admit i a pleased i gave my drivung up these days

relieved/pleased i lived in a relatively vehicle accudent free cuntry donuhder

now notixe am damn sure

many many unlicensed drivers appear ti ne taking a chance of not getting caught

imagin many many who may hane mo egard or idea re riad safety

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Reactions: BigdongSE and BillM