Carl Woods

Anyone know if there are any pics of videos of carl fully erect?
I have never seen any can anyone please confirm or DM me please.
The video of him wanking into the sink is disgusting. His cum is yellow and looks like jelly/frog spawn looks like his got an sti or something it made me feel sick
why do you come on these threads to troll? if you dont like the person the threads about then just stay away. this isnt you tube. threads are dedicated to specific people who members find attractive. we dont need buzzkills
She can have so many others thanks too her influence so I am sure she doesn't care. He was a good play thing for a bit.
She is on to the next. Power to her.

He is absolutely beautiful to look at but there doesn't seem to be much more than that.
you talk like she is some great catch. she comes with 100x more baggage than these men do. with 5 kids. plus she is broke & now looks like pete burns. Pushing 50 she will only attract these pretty boy attention seekers for so long. Rinse repeat.