Carlos Cuevas (actor)

What gets me is that Carlos has at least two facial features that I tend to find unflattering (unformed nose like a kid's, somewhat weak chin, and I'm not sure about the squinty eyes either), but somehow everything works together to make him stunningly beautiful.
I'd bet it eventually shows up in the US. Between them, the two stars (Carlos Cuevas, Miki Esparbe) currently have 10 series/movies running on US Netflix.
A search for "Smiley" on US Netflix brings up a listing. No air date yet. You can set a reminder if you're a subscriber.
As much as we would like it to be I doubt but was Carlos. I don’t think it was a male cast member

good I’m glad he said kill pol as he was awful to his character

But if it was Carlos that would explain why things are awkward and why they never seem to interact or even mention each other lol.