
This is not about you. It's about her. Calling rape "messy" is an uneducated, horrible thing to say. Justifying some random hot guy who refused to give a girl's phone back (the aftermath of which is she being raped) and made a ridiculous "apology" speaks volumes.
I never got into the rape part of the situation, you're just being dishonest there. And if you had just a tiny bit better reading comprehension you'd understand that "messy" was referring to the whole bunch of versions of the story that come up leading to the tragic event at the end. They were all high, none of their versions should be taken as hard truth. That's all I said.
Carrington has a duty of care here. Under his roof, in his party to the lady he brought with him that was his friend. She is responsible for moderation, sure. But if/when she failed to watch herself, her people should have stepped in. Especially if drugs were involved somehow. Anybody sensible knows it's always a possibility. "Hey, (name) let's slow down. Let's go find water. Let's sit down for a minute. Don't go wandering outside by yourself. Here's your phone, keep it on you. Tell somebody if you feel sick or weird." It's the most basic party/night out shit to know. If I go out with my people, I'm gonna naturally keep an eye on them not being hurt or worse by themselves or others. That's just not debatable.
Well, we don't know if he offered to help or not, and if he saw that she needed help. Maybe they all (adults) were drunk and then there is not 1 specific person responsible for one other.
I will say I'm not doubting that Raeven is a victim but I do find it strange that she's more focused on ruining publicity of the party makers than getting the guy who "raped" her

aswell as the party she was in happened in October (4 months ago) and is coming for justice against ppl that weren't really involved and throwing blame at everyone but her rapist to me it seems like an attention grab and the whole Jake Johnnie Carrington and Tara Yummy is an easy target for hate

To me this seems like Raeven might have gotten too wasted and regret their drunk actions and is finding a way to come to terms with it or struggles with taking accountability

A few last things here are some of their tik tok links that might be helpful
She hasn't been silent about what happened to her but hasn't been as forceful until now


I went back and watched every tiktok of idkRaeven from after the Halloween party Raeven makes some pretty fire music
But I just wanted to point out a few more things
-apparently someone from the group put a restraining order against Raeven but she haven't said who
-She has a song called myskinisraw and talks about how she has been r@p3d in the past and I think it would be strange that she put herself in a position like that again
-a month after the party she's already wanting to date / chase / accepting men
-she has claimed to be rap3d several other times by random men like >>> 1
-always has a shit / abusive relationship >> 1
-lowkey might be a drug addict >>> 1
-doesn't make good decisions and is kinda addicted/ Romanticizes. trama >>> 1 2
From the research that I've concluded, I believe that idkRaeven Might put herself in certain positions to get taken advantage of or lies about trauma in order to feed off of sympathy from others. Raeven might also be a into drugs more than the average person and actively pursues toxic people in order to feel better about herself. She may also avoid accountability even though that she is a full adult. In her videos she also talks about being an underaged minor when she is 20yo (legal adult) and is capable of making her own decisions like going to this party.
The only one thing that I can hold carrington, jake, Johnnie and Tara Yummy accountable for is inviting a 20yo to a party where they clearly get super drunk and high and throw absolute ragers. They've shouldve, made sure that she was at least 21.
Looking at this video >>>Link<<< carrington doesn't even look like he's fully there cause he's probably blackout atp.
Finally I do believe everyone is innocent and Raeven might just be telling lies or not remembering thing correctly
If what I said before (about his responsibility to her) bothered or confused anybody, sorry for that. Genuinely. There's just so many questions and angles it's hard to know what's up, and easier to blame and get swept up. Now she might be psycho? I don't know anymore, man. 😬 Too much. I'm staying in my own lane.
If what I said before (about his responsibility to her) bothered or confused anybody, sorry for that. Genuinely. There's just so many questions and angles it's hard to know what's up, and easier to blame and get swept up. Now she might be psycho? I don't know anymore, man. 😬 Too much. I'm staying in my own lane.
It's ok to jump to the victims side in these sort of things but when its in an online space you have to be careful and do your research. And I'll just say this from what I hear it's hard to get a restraining order. So the fact that they were able to get a case and won it tells me that she did something worthy to earn that.
I will say I'm not doubting that Raeven is a victim but I do find it strange that she's more focused on ruining publicity of the party makers than getting the guy who "raped" her

aswell as the party she was in happened in October (4 months ago) and is coming for justice against ppl that weren't really involved and throwing blame at everyone but her rapist to me it seems like an attention grab and the whole Jake Johnnie Carrington and Tara Yummy is an easy target for hate

To me this seems like Raeven might have gotten too wasted and regret their drunk actions and is finding a way to come to terms with it or struggles with taking accountability

A few last things here are some of their tik tok links that might be helpful
She hasn't been silent about what happened to her but hasn't been as forceful until now
Okay so Jake Webber reached out. Good on him. Carrington is acting weird though with that whole half assed thing he said already. This whole situation is weird.
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Situations like these are tricky u never know what went down unless u were there... but i think carringtons reply was not that bad..
I agree. We don't really know what went down. But if everyone was of legal drinking age, there's really no fault with Carrington if she got too intoxicated and assaulted. And there's really no way to prove she was roofied at this point. She should definitely file a police report and go after the perpetrators. Now, if Carrington doesn't cooperate in that case, then I see the blame and fault somewhat being his since he's covering it up at this point. But yeah, if we're all grown and of legal drinking age at a party and I happen to be throwing the party, I'm sorry I'm not gonna watch over you like a child. Know your limits and stick to them. Don't accept drinks from strangers. Watch your drinks being made or make them yourselves. Be smart. Situations like this are very sad though. I pray she gets justice and heals from it. But I don't see how this is Carrington's or Jake's fault. He can at least say he's sorry that it happened and offer to help her moving forward with the criminal case. That's really all he's obligated to do. But they always go after the ones with fame and money. I'll just wait to see how this all plays out. This Raven girl is giving sus vibes tho from what I see.
I went back and watched every tiktok of idkRaeven from after the Halloween party Raeven makes some pretty fire music
But I just wanted to point out a few more things
-apparently someone from the group put a restraining order against Raeven but she haven't said who
-She has a song called myskinisraw and talks about how she has been r@p3d in the past and I think it would be strange that she put herself in a position like that again
-a month after the party she's already wanting to date / chase / accepting men
-she has claimed to be rap3d several other times by random men like >>> 1
-always has a shit / abusive relationship >> 1
-lowkey might be a drug addict >>> 1
-doesn't make good decisions and is kinda addicted/ Romanticizes. trama >>> 1 2
The 1st link has been deleted so If you need some context she was saying that she got rap3d previously and stole their lil peep pants
Carrington could release a dick pic if he wants this scandal to go away
Carrington could release a dick pic if he wants this scandal to go away
"Alright Carrington. You've heard the offer from the Bank, you could 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 forever for the price of a tempting... One picture of your dick. What's it gonna be? Freedom.... Or not?"1000017438.gif