Carson Lueders

I messaged both the people who claimed to have his nudes. One is a timewaster with no proof and one one didn't reply. So save your time
Here are the images everybody is asking about. Obviously “milnin21” is either blind or just dumb. Might be both to be honest, lol.
LMAO even IF Carson were this hairy, which he IS NOT, the hair would NOT be that dark, it would be much lighter in color.
Here are the images everybody is asking about. Obviously “milnin21” is either blind or just dumb. Might be both to be honest, lol.
Even if Carson’s pubes were dark which truthfully they can be, his legs would not be that hairy with that dark amount of hair, his pubes yea but not his legs
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Here's a pic of Carson, hair, eyebrows, and pit hair are very blonde....I would assume his pubes would be too.... by the way wasn't there a pic of his brother with his pubes showing above his shorts, should be a similar shade for Carson, anyone have that pic to post...I've seen it but I don't have it..
Carson 1.jpg
Here's a pic of Carson, hair, eyebrows, and pit hair are very blonde....I would assume his pubes would be too.... by the way wasn't there a pic of his brother with his pubes showing above his shorts, should be a similar shade for Carson, anyone have that pic to post...I've seen it but I don't have it..
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Plus don’t armpit hair and pubes usually match anyway?
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Here are the images everybody is asking about. Obviously “milnin21” is either blind or just dumb. Might be both to be honest, lol.
I can agree and testify that that picture of the dick is a fake because we debunked it back on pg 13 as being another Instagram celebrity.
So I’m still new to this site. I haven’t posted or commented at all before. But all this talk of Carson’s pubes is driving me crazy. I have this picture and I think it’s a little more realistic. What do you all think?


So I’m still new to this site. I haven’t posted or commented at all before. But all this talk of Carson’s pubes is driving me crazy. I have this picture and I think it’s a little more realistic. What do you all think?
Unfortunately, that is also a fake. It was posted back on page 13 and debunked on pg 14