Cedric Pham @cedric_pham

How did he act
He acted normal. It was the end of his hair treatment so I think he was bored. It takes 3 hours to get permed. He was literally sitting behind me waiting for his curlers to set the whole I was getting my hair cut and permed. I didn’t notice it was him cus I had my glasses on. I could just see he was wearing a black t shirt and baggy jeans. Just saw it was him when I got sat at a table with a movable hairdryer helmet thing cus the ones with the helmet dryers attached to a chair were taken. And he was sat next to that table right after I was sat there. I was too chicken to tell him I liked his video and he was my inspiration. And he’s moving to OC with his ugly girlfriend idk when so I missed my chance to say anything.
He acted normal. It was the end of his hair treatment so I think he was bored. It takes 3 hours to get permed. He was literally sitting behind me waiting for his curlers to set the whole I was getting my hair cut and permed. I didn’t notice it was him cus I had my glasses on. I could just see he was wearing a black t shirt and baggy jeans. Just saw it was him when I got sat at a table with a movable hairdryer helmet thing cus the ones with the helmet dryers attached to a chair were taken. And he was sat next to that table right after I was sat there. I was too chicken to tell him I liked his video and he was my inspiration. And he’s moving to OC with his ugly girlfriend idk when so I missed my chance to say anything.
You…. Did not need to call his girlfriend ugly lol.
He acted normal. It was the end of his hair treatment so I think he was bored. It takes 3 hours to get permed. He was literally sitting behind me waiting for his curlers to set the whole I was getting my hair cut and permed. I didn’t notice it was him cus I had my glasses on. I could just see he was wearing a black t shirt and baggy jeans. Just saw it was him when I got sat at a table with a movable hairdryer helmet thing cus the ones with the helmet dryers attached to a chair were taken. And he was sat next to that table right after I was sat there. I was too chicken to tell him I liked his video and he was my inspiration. And he’s moving to OC with his ugly girlfriend idk when so I missed my chance to say anything.
Jesus! Imagine having hair that needs that kind of treatment… my balding ass can’t relate. 🥲