Champagneshreds (Champagne Papi, Jay)

Is he maybe bisexual I know twitter now has more discrete features and I noticed he's following more people then when I last checked, I can't see more than about 30 accounts he's following but for the ones that did pop up I circled, a fee male errotic modeling accounts but he's a male errotic model even though om sure he isint featured on all of them Idk, but I noticed he's following a gay baiting or gay creator account and a trans women account...
He's Hella wierd and thirsty I don't like his get rich scheme it won't get him far, he's not the only hit guy out here, ro make it worse he doesn't really have a nice size butt or big dick... to make us pay so much money after an already expensive subscription price, he must he trying to stack his nail set money for the year
Sounds like you’re just broke