No one is going to believe me, and I refuse to offer any proof that might reveal his identity, so fuck it.
I actually know Theon in real life. We met several years ago while serving at the same restaurant. He was super cute and really pleasant, but he had a girlfriend, so he was just some friendly guy I knew. Cut to me, hours deep into a porno spiral edging sesh. Something caught the corner of my eye and then—GASP!
I texted him moments after I came (haha), admitting what I had found. We talked about it, and that led to uncovering so... much... more...
But that's a story for a different time.
Anyway, I noticed that all of his videos had suddenly been wiped from the ChaosMen website. No trace of him, just suddenly vanished! Having no sense of personal shame, I texted him, asking if he knew what had happened. He told me that, looking back, he felt like he was in a really bad headspace when he made those videos, and he politely asked the site management to take the content down. Apparently, the site had just come under new management and "they gave no pushback." Surprising!
Ultimately, good for him, but the world will miss his beautiful cock, oily body, and chiseled features.