sure it is, but are we in the GAY ADULT WEBSITES forum right now or are we not?
yes, we are :)

guys, you have also STRAIGHT and TRANS ADULT WEBSITES forum, so... maybe post your straight porn and cumshows there? thanks a lot.
I don’t think it’s that big of a deal haha. I mean the majority is literally gay cam shows and videos a few straight, bi, and trans content is not the end of the world. It’s not like the content is a jumpscare you can tell from the thumbnails what the content is gonna be so keep scrolling to see what you like, simple. Sincerely, the creator of this thread :)
Je ne pense pas que ce soit si grave haha. Je veux dire que la majorité sont littéralement des émissions de webcams gay et des vidéos, quelques contenus hétéros, bi et trans ne sont pas la fin du monde. Ce n'est pas comme si le contenu était un saut, vous pouvez dire à partir des vignettes ce que le contenu va être, alors continuez à faire défiler pour voir ce que vous aimez, c'est simple. Cordialement, le créateur de ce fil:)
Merci, s'il fallait être honnête il faudrait alors supprimer la plupart des modèles de ce fil. En effet beaucoup de gars qui font des shows sont majoritairement hétéros ou bisexuels et non gays. Ça deviendrait vraiment compliqué alors que l'essentiel est de découvrir de beaux mâles même s'ils sont hétéros. D'ailleurs certains ne montrent jamais leur bite quand ils font des shows pour hommes sur chaturbate ou autres sites, alors que lorsqu'ils sont avec une nana, on voit leur bite et parfois ils baisent. On n'en voit jamais autant quand ils sont sur la page réservée aux hommes.
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I don’t think it’s that big of a deal haha. I mean the majority is literally gay cam shows and videos a few straight, bi, and trans content is not the end of the world. It’s not like the content is a jumpscare you can tell from the thumbnails what the content is gonna be so keep scrolling to see what you like, simple. Sincerely, the creator of this thread :)
Thanks, if you had to be honest then you would have to remove most models from this thread. Indeed many guys who do shows are mostly straight or bisexual and not gay. It would get really complicated when the main thing is to find handsome males even if they are straight. Besides, some never show their cock when they do shows for men on chaturbate or other sites, whereas when they are with a girl, we see their cock and sometimes they fuck. You never see so many when they're on the men's page.
I don’t think it’s that big of a deal haha. I mean the majority is literally gay cam shows and videos a few straight, bi, and trans content is not the end of the world. It’s not like the content is a jumpscare you can tell from the thumbnails what the content is gonna be so keep scrolling to see what you like, simple. Sincerely, the creator of this thread :)
I spoke on this before, and got bashed and called out for suggesting that:

a) women cum, too.


b) some "cum shows" feature cis, heterosexual couples.

This is why I rarely say much other than "thank you" in threads like this. The ignorance and outright rudeness from certain "beloved" members of this forum continues to work my damn nerves.